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                 AUTHOR'S POV

The warmth of her soft puffy palms were providing him immense pleasure. Her soothing touches were calming him down. He was feeling so peaceful and relieved in her arms.

Pari smiled slightly, raking her fingers through his soft and silky hair. He was hugging her just like a baby.

His cheek was pressed against her chest while his hands were tightly wrapped around her waist.

She still needed time to grasp whatever he said. She never imagined such a tragic past. Her heart was clutching in pain everytime his words were ringing in her ears.

All these years, he blamed himself for something he never did. For something on which he didn't have any grip.

In his guilt, he ignored and kept an innocent child completely deprived of a fatherly love. Indeed, Agastya is a fatherly figure for Yuvaan but God knows how that child suffered for so many years by bearing all the ignorance and coldness by Agastya's side.

But not anymore. She will not let him either of them suffer.

"Feeling better?" Pari asked pressing a gentle kiss against his forehead.

He hummed in response and nodded.

"Sometimes, it's nice to let out all the emotions we have caged inside. It helps us in so many ways you can't even imagine." She said.

He detached himself from her arms and looked into her eyes. They were looking at him with so much tenderness and love.

For a moment, he felt as if..as if she is in love with him.

"Thank you." Agastya said running his fingers on her smooth cheek. "For making me see things in a different light." He added softly.

It is true, indeed. Her words forced him to think all over again about the decision he made four years ago. He can't really remeber the emotion under which he took that step.

Was it anger, guilt or sadness? But it doesn't matter now.

He realised he has done so wrong with Yuvaan. Instead of avoiding him, he should have gave him all the love and care his parents were supposed to give him.

He should have been acted like a father to him. Yes, he did but from distance.

Only he knows, how hard it is for him to ignore Yuvaan and his innocent eyes which always looks at him with so much love and sadness at the same time.

That's why he never looks at his face.

But now that he has finally realised his mistakes, he won't ever repeat them again.

"You know, I have seen the look of longing in his eyes...for you." Pari whispered with a small smile on her lips.

She has clearly noticed this thing. The little boy's eyes held so much pain and longing when Agastya avoided him in front of her eyes.

Those light green orbs watered quickly and reflected the pain in his heart. She won't lie but she felt so much anger at Agastya that she wanted to yell at him for acting like a jerk.

"Will he forgive me?"

His voice quavered as he asked while looking at her.

"Off course he will." She answered caressing his face.

"Pakka?" He asked again, like a child.


"Pakka." She said smiling softly.

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