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Her anklets made a sweet sound as she climbed down the stairs. The rain had just started pouring heavily and the pleasant weather invited her wholeheartedly.

She loves rain. Since childhood only, the only thing she doesn't like about it is the thunder sounds which come along with it.

She was dancing happily on her terrace by holding her dupatta in one hand. Her long hair got damped quickly and so did her salwar kameez.


Pari huffed annoyingly hearing her father's warning. She had lied to him about coming here and dancing in the rain. She told him she was going to sleep whereas in reality, she came directly to the terrace.

"Kya karun main iss ladki ka?" Anuj, her father eyed her with disappointment.

(What do I do with this girl?)

Pari pouted and looked down. She was feeling bad for lying to him but then his over protectiveness really irritates her sometimes.

"Papa, I was just enjoying. I won't get sick." She said rubbing her hair with a towel.

Anuj shook his head gulping down his anger. She was down with high fever and cough just three days ago. He doesn't like when she neglects her health.

Be it waking up till midnight for studies or dancing in the rain.

"Why don't you do one thing. Just give me poison and do whatever you want to."

Pari hissed internally at his choice of words. She would prefer dying rather than giving him poison. Afterall, all she has is him since the death of her mother.

"You know how hard it was for me to see you shivering in fever since past few days? You never listen to me." Anuj complained.

Pari was feeling guilty now. She realised it was indeed her mistake. Her father got really disturbed when she fell sick and now when she got better she again took her health for granted and didn't even think about him for once.

"Papa sorry na. Please forgive me." She knelt before him and placed her head on his lap.

She knows her father can't stay angry at her for so long and especially when she does this, he melts so easily.

"I will never lie to you again. This was the last time. I promise."

Anuj smiled weakly caressing his daughter's head. He feels scared for her always. She is such an innocent and pure soul and this world is full of vile creatures.

He fears for her safety everyday.

Her beauty is something which attracts every eyes. He tries to protect her from all those lusty gazes but for how long will he be able to do this?

Someday, her beauty will surely catch a monster's gaze.


She smiled folding her hands before her mother's photograph. She feels glad that she looks like her mother. Well, she got her father's eyes and her mother's smile and hair.

She doesn't really remember her mother. Just few blurry memories but she misses her so much. Seeing her friends having mothers, she feels unlucky.

Tears welled up in her eyes suddenly but she quickly blinked them away. Her phone vibrated gaining her attention.

"Where are you? The event is about to start." The voice of her best friend came from the other end.

"I am on my way, Swati." She lied hurriedly taking her purse from the bed.

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