- 5: I'll Make You Feel Special -

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Katsuki doesn't know what he's supposed to fucking do. 

That fucking extra won't leave Deku alone no matter what he does. He sees the two of them in the hallways together and even in class, it's like those two are glued together. 

it makes anger pool in his gut and explosions come out of his hands every time he just thinks about it. He wants to teach that fucking extra a lesson about hanging around shit that's his. 

it turns out that's easier said than done, because that extra is always around teachers or staff. He found out pretty quick that this asshole was a new student, which is probably why he doesn't know when to fuck off. 

He hates it. 

He hates seeing them together. 

He hates watching Deku light up. 

He hates the way that extra looks at him. 

He hates that they walk home together. 

He hates everything about that piece of shit. 

What makes it even worse is that Deku's beatings have been once in a blue moon now, with exams and everything coming up. Katsuki is forced to go right home after school, and he barely sees that shit alone. 

After a week or two, more news makes Katsuki nearly have a heart attack. 

He takes his shoes off at the front door, slinging his backpack over his shoulder as he steps into the house even more. His mom is sitting on the couch, typing on her phone. 

He's about to walk past the living room and up the stairs when she calls out for him. 

"Katsuki! Come here for a second brat!" 

He already feels annoyance building up as he makes a full turn and stomps into the living room. 

"What old hag?!" 

Mitsuki clicks her tongue, glaring at her son from the couch. 

"Shut the hell up ungrateful child of mine! Do you know anything about that kid little Izuku is hanging around with these past months?" 

Even more anger fills him, and he folds his arms. His face contorts as he lets his annoyance show on his face. Even the old hag is talking about that fucking extra? 

"No, i don't know shit." 

Mitsuki glares at him, waving her hand. 

"What the hell do you mean you don't know shit?! Inko is going on and on about this boy! Ishi- something." 

Katsuki huffs and glares back at her but goes over to her on the couch. 

"Why the hell is auntie talking about some fucking extra." 

Mitsuki nods, looking back at her phone. Her voice lowers in volume as if the two of them are keeping a secret. 

"I was surprised too. You know poor Izuku doesn't have any luck making friends other than your satanic ass. Do you think somethings going on?" 

Katsuki has neglected to tell his mother that Izuku Midoriya and him are no longer and will never be friends. She just wouldn't get it.

Katsuki looks at her phone, which is already open to the text conversation with inko. 

"No shit something shady is going on.  Why would auntie let some fucking creep into her house." 

Mitsuki looks at him, her tone sped up. Katsuki can see the glimmer of excitement at telling someone in her eyes. He's a little happy about his mom always telling him shit, especially when it gets him free information on shit nerd and asshole extra. 

"Apparently he's been going over a lot lately. Even sleeping over! When was the last time you and Izuku had a sleepover hah?! When you were both five?! Seriously Katsuki, you need to work on those things or poor Izuku is going to get bored of you and look for weirdos like these!" 

Katsuki did not fucking know that. 

Sleeping over. At Deku's house. Alone. In his room. 

Do they sleep in the same bed like they did when they were little? No, Deku is way too much of a pussy to suggest something like that with another person. He better not have. 

If Katsuki finds out they sleep in the same bed he's going to go over there and blow it the fuck up. 

"How do you know he's a weirdo old hag? Did auntie say something?" 

Mitsuki sighs, getting more into the couch cushions. Katsuki watches the phone closely. 

"Inko wouldn't dare think anything bad about someone, especially since she says Izuku looks so happy now. But i don't know... I'm getting a feeling." 

Mitsuki looks at him, her expression serious. 

"Katsuki, take care of him, ok? You know how easily Izuku trusts people. I'm worried it will get him into serious trouble one day. Your very special to him so you have to protect him." 

He stares at her for a moment, his gut churning. Before he can feel it more, he stands up and walks away. 

"Don't tell me what to do old hag." 

He goes up to his room and shuts the door, but not before hearing his father from the kitchen. 

"What happened? What were you guys talking about?" 

He says in the same hushed voice him, and his mother were talking in a moment ago. Mitsuki's tone is excited and hushed again. 

"Honey, come here come here! There's a lot of shit going on, your gonna have to sit down." 

Katsuki goes to his desk and sits down. There is a picture put up in a frame next to his lamp. Its of Katsuki and Deku when they were children, nets in their hands and smiling so big it looks like their cheeks are straining. 

He doesn't know how many times he's thrown this picture away only to have it put back at his desk the next morning. He faces the frame down, looking away from the picture and going back to studying. 

When he's done with all of this, he'll make sure that extra stays away from Deku. It's not like the nerd will care anyway. That extra is nothing but a pain in Katsuki's ass. 

Once he gets rid of him for good, everything will go back to normal. 

Then this stupid feeling will go away. 

All I Want Is You (Bkdk, Dkbk)Where stories live. Discover now