- 64: Please Dont Desert Me -

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Fuck fuck fuck fuck

He's pissed. So, fucking pissed. Katsuki has never seen him that pissed off before in his life. How can he know about what he did? How long has he known? What if he's known this whole fucking time and still did all of that shit for him? 

What happens after this? After they get rid of the body, what will happen to them? All of the time spent on rebuilding their relationship is all slipping through Katsuki's fingers and all he can do is try to close the gaps. 

He takes out his growing frustration and fear on the dirt, stabbing the ground with the shovel to loosen it up before continuing to dig. He can hear Deku, struggling to lift the body out of the lake, if the mumbled curses and the sound of sporadic splashing is anything to go by. 

He stabs the shovel into the ground and leaves it there, going over to help Deku. He emerges from the trees to see the green haired boy frustratingly gripping the corpses arm and pulling. He walks behind him and takes the arm. 

"Let me help-" 

Deku looks at him and glares. He looks so cold and pissed that it makes Katsuki take a double take. The smell of rotting surrounds them as Ishida's body gets more and more uncovered by the water. 

"I don't need your help." 

Katsuki glares back, guilt digging into his stomach. He gets why Deku is mad. He knows he gets to be mad, but it isn't fucking helping. It's just stressing him the fuck out even more then the body that's currently right next to them. 

"Izuku, let me help or I'll-" 

"Or you'll what? Push me off the edge of a cliff just because i pissed you off when trying to get rid of the body you put here?" 

He can feel his hands clenching and his heart leaping into his throat at his words. He drops the arm, the limb hitting the water with a slap and a splash. He doesn't give a fuck about that right now. 

He rushes towards him, already way too close to him. His boots squelch against the mud and he sinks slightly with how heavy his steps are. He grips the green haired boy's shoulders, and he feels his fingers digging into his skin. Deku looks at him, his glare faltering. 

"Izuku, you know i would never do that to you! I-I would never," 

His voice breaks, his expression twisted into desperation. Deku's face finally loses that glare, and he softens up. He takes a deep breath and Katsuki sees the sadness and fear deep in his eyes. It makes him want to throw himself into the raging river. 

"I know you wouldn't kacchan. I just... I... I'm just panicking and scared-" 

"Of me?" 

He doesn't have time to care about how broken and desperate his voice sounds to his own ears. He can't even imagine how it must sound to Izuku, who still has that sad look in his eyes. It quickly turns to panic and surprise. 

Deku grips the front of his shirt, shaking his head quickly. 

"No! No, not of you. For you, kacchan. If we don't do this fast, then you could lose everything just for..." 

Deku glances at the body. He doesn't say anything else and just takes the chance to nudge past him and take the arm. He wordlessly pulls the body out of the water, dragging it to the dirt. He rummages through his backpack and pulls out a plastic black poncho, the material rustling as he puts it over himself. 

Katsuki watches as Deku fixes the protective glasses on his face and readies the handheld saw, something Katsuki didn't even see until now. He even has plastic garbage bags put out and yellow gloves. Gloves he recognizes from the kitchen of the Midoriya household. 

Deku looks back at him, a small smile on his face, trying to reassure him. 

"Go finish the hole, I'll take care of this." 

Katsuki looks at the corpse then back at him, wiping his eyes. He sniffs and clears his throat. 

"Um... Do you... got that or?" 

Deku gives him a thumbs up. 

"Yep! I watched tons of videos before I came here. Though, most of it will be guesses..." 

He kneels down in front of the body, adjusting the saw above the joint of the corpses shoulder and arm.

"I'll leave it to you then..." 

Katsuki walks past him to finish up the hole, catching the sight of blood violently splattering as Deku begins to make the cut, the electric handheld saw whirring loudly. He gets back to the shovel and begins to dig again. 

he has to get this part done as soon as possible. The sound of the saw might attract people around, so they need to get this fucking body covered and out of here. He digs until he gets the hole deep enough that he has to stand in it to continue digging. 

The sun begins to go down and the distant sound of whirring, crunching, and liquid fills his ears as he digs and digs. Finally, when he looks up, Deku is standing over the grave. His poncho is off and his protective glasses are too, a couple of trash bags in his hands. 

"We just have to dump the parts in here kacchan, then we can go home!" 

Katsuki climbs out of the hole and rolls onto the ground out of the way. 

"Got it." 

Deku dumps the trash bags into the hole and Katsuki goes to get the rest. It's kind of crazy that the parts of a human body fits in only a couple trash bags. As he goes to the hole Deku walks past him to throw away the rest of the ripped-up ones to get rid of. 

Katsuki dumps the trash bags with heavy thuds and watches them down there for a minute. This is the final time he will ever have to see any remains of that piece of shit. Deku is beside him now, moving his hand to hold his. 

"Let's go home now kacchan." 

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