- 41: I Don't Wanna Talk -

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He watches from the corner of his eye as the asshole walks off, looking pissed as hell. He snickers a bit more before knocking on the door. He hears aunt inko let out a small squeak from the other side. A moment later, she opens the door, looking slightly frazzled. 

"Oh! Katsuki, did that boy leave?" 

She whispers slightly, looking at him with her big green eyes. Katsuki nods and gives her a smile. 

"He did auntie. What did you to him? It looks like he's fuc- freaking, balding." 

She gives him a small smile back, opening the door wider.  

"I lost my temper for a second, don't tell your mother."  

Katsuki's attention is caught by Deku, who is stepping right behind aunt inko. They make eye contact and Deku smiles at him. 


Deku's eyes widen slightly, and his hands go to cover his face, his cheeks slightly red in embarrassment. 


Aunt Inko looks at the both of them and smiles wider. She pats Deku's back, slightly pushing him out of the door. Katsuki's eyes don't leave Deku's face, the nerds attention turning to his mom. 

"You two have fun! Call me if you need anything!" 

Deku hugs his mom bye and the two of them walk down towards the sidewalk. Deku fidgets with his hands slightly before looking at Katsuki, his cheeks still red. It brings out his freckles. 

"Why are you staring at me like that kacchan?" 

Katsuki looks away from him, looking ahead. Hopefully he didn't look like a fucking creep while he was staring. 

"No reason. Just thinking. Anyway, what the fuck was that all about?" 

Deku furrows his brows slightly, 

"What was-" 

His eyes widen and his face falls slightly. 


He trails off for a second and Katsuki waits, shoving his hands in his pockets. The house where the party is being hosted isn't that far away, so they shouldn't have to walk that far. The sun is already more than halfway down the sky, painting it an orange hue. 

He catches the smell of Deku's conditioner, but there is the smell of some floral shit that Katsuki decides he likes, probably cologne or something. He suddenly becomes aware of how close they are walking together, their arms brushing every now and again. 

"Ishida Kun just showed up, and he was saying stuff about my face, and he grabbed my wrist then like pushed me against the wall? My mom heard and she pulled him by his hair and cursed at him." 

Katsuki nods and Deku's arm brushes against his again. 

"What an ass. What did he say about your face?" 

"He said i look like a bitch." 

Katsuki stays silent for a moment. 

"For the record, i don't think..." 

"I don't think you look like a bitch. You look good. With or without makeup on your face. So, um... don't listen to that dick. Yeah." 

He glances at the nerd to see him already looking at him, his green eyes wide and his cheeks flushed. When their eyes meet, Deku looks away, a smile on his face. 

"Thanks, kacchan." 

Katsuki feels his face grow warm and he looks away too. 

"No problem." 

They walk in comfortable silence until the sound of booming music fills their ears. There are lights coming in through the windows and people in the yard, screaming and yelling and laughing.

They stay on the sidewalk for a second, and Katsuki stops. When Deku doesn't, he grabs his hand. The nerd turns around, his face red. He tries not to let his freak out over the contact show on his face. 

"Listen up Deku. When we get in there and at any point you want to leave, we'll fucking go ok?" 

Deku smiles at him and laughs. 

"Got it. Come on!" 

He doesn't expect him to hold his hand and pull him forward slightly, but he doesn't let go as they get to the door. They just walk in, and if the front yard was littered with people, inside was fucking packed. The music is louder, pumping through speakers that make the floor feel like its shaking. 

People are jumping around and dancing, and Katsuki sees a big group with vapes in their hands, puffing out sweet smelling smoke. He's been to this house before, and he wants to make a joke to Deku about the kid who lives here. Everyone knows that this kid's parents don't love him, so they always leave him in the house alone for weeks on end.

Maybe that's why he needs the constant parties. He looks around and sees his goons in the corner of the living room next to a table of drinks. He squeezes Deku's hand and pulls him through the crowd, making sure not to let go. 

they spot Katsuki and Deku before they actually get there and shift slightly. One of them smiles widely and yells over the music, 

"Glad you guys could make it! I think someone's cousin brought some cheap beers! They're around here somewhere!" 

Katsuki rolls his eyes. He'll keep Deku away from that shit. Seriously, these kids' parents need to give them all a good ass whooping. He looks at Deku, who is looking around with wide eyes, watching everything happening around them. 

What a nerd. 

It makes him want to k-

"There's pizza too, i think! It's in the kitchen if you guys are hungry!" 

Katsuki gives them both a nod and pulls Deku with him, who follows, still watching everything with slight nervousness and excitement. He's probably never been to a party before. Katsuki's sort of proud of himself for being the person to take him to his first one. 

They get to the kitchen, and there are people sitting on the counters and raiding the fridge. There are empty pizza boxes, but no actual pizza, the cardboard stained with leftover grease and discarded peperoni.  Someone bumps into him, and he glares, though the person isn't looking at him at all. 

Its Deku he's looking at.

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