- 67: Please Dont Desert Me -

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Obviously, he isn't perfect. He's done things he isn't proud of, things that should have stopped his life before it even started. Things that should keep him up at night, things that should weigh him down. But when he's with him, it doesn't matter to him as much.

He makes him feel like it's ok to not be perfect. Izuku Midoriya is someone that he will keep to himself, someone that he will protect for the rest of his life. He will never hurt him again like he has before, because izuku has done so much for him, so much more than anyone else ever has.

He makes everything better.

The principal is on the stage, up on the podium. His voice booms throughout the gymnasium, everyone standing and staring forward. Katsuki sees the light reflecting off of his balding head and catches that some other peoples attention are also on the same thing.

"I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate all of you who have graduated this year. I have to say that I am very proud of all of you for making it this far, and I cannot wait to see how each of you grow into respectable adults."

Deku is standing a couple of rows away from him, looking at the principal. He must have felt Katsuki staring at him, because the green haired boy glances behind him. Their eyes meet and Deku gives him a small smile before looking back.

Katsuki wants to tell him how he feels, and wants to be able to earn it, no matter how long it takes. He wants to be able to hold Dekus hand without telling him that all friends do that. He wants to go on dates, fucking study together at his house and just end up making out like actual couples.

Like boyfriends.

After the principal's speech and some other people talking, they are finally able to leave the building. He waits for Izuku to come over and they leave together, the green haired boy particularly bubbly today. He is talking right when they leave the loud noises of newly graduates.

"What are you doing today Kacchan? Are you busy? Do you want to hang out if you're not busy?"

He shoves his hands in his pockets as they walk, their shoulders bumping against each other slightly. There are other students around in smaller groups, walking home or to the stores nearby. Katsuki sees a convenience store up ahead and slows down slightly.

"Im not fucking busy nerd."

Deku physically brightens up, speeding up slightly.

"Then do you wanna hang out today?"

Katsuki rolls his eyes playfully, turning away from him.

"I don't know, it depends on how I'm feeling."

Deku pushes his shoulder with his own.

"Come on kacchan!"

Katsuki looks back at him, a grin on his face.

"Fine, since you want so badly."

Katsuki nods at the convenience store up ahead, and Deku turns his attention to it. There is a big sign posted up on the front with a picture of ice cream and popsicles reading 'Buy two for three dollars.'

"Let's go get some popsicles."

Deku squeezes katsukis arm in excitement, practically pulling him towards the store. Some people glance at them, but Katsuki doesn't mind. When they get to the door, Deku loosens his hold and katsuki holds his hand, his heart pounding.

The bell signals the cashier when they enter, the person giving them a small greeting as they walk past snacks and drinks to get to the back, where the ice cream and popsicles are. Deku is looking at the fridges and picking a popsicle.

Katsuki looks back to the front, where there are various pictures and posters taped up to the inside of the window. His eyes land on the one in the middle, partly covered up by other pieces of paper. He knows what it says though.

Last he heard, Ishida's mom had skipped town after her husband was killed. All signs pointed to her, but Katsuki doubts that anyone would find her. No one has talked about Ishida ever since and the police hadn't done anything else having to deal with it.

"Kacchan, which one do you want?"

He looks back at Deku and away from the window. The green haired boy is holding a popsicle out to him, that smile still on his freckled face. He swipes it, the wrapper crinkling as he does so. Deku gets another popsicle for himself, and the two of them walk to the front counter.

The two check out and go out the door again, the bell above the door ringing. Deku rips the wrapper off the popsicle and throws it away in the outside trash can, Katsuki following suit. They start to walk again, their hands intertwined as they do.

Deku breaks the silence as they get to the old playground they used to go to when they were kids. He looks at him, his face slightly flushed.

"Kacchan, I have something I want to tell you. And, you have to wait for me to finish before you say anything ok?"

Katsuki looks back at him, mind reeling. What could Deku possibly have to say? Why does he look so serious? Katsuki squeezes his hand and Deku smiles at him. Seeing him smile makes Katsuki feel slightly less alert, and Deku speaks.


He trails off, and katsukis heart speeds up, slamming against his ribcage.

Is he...?

"I'm in love with you katsuki."

Those words were enough to shatter all of katsukis thoughts and nervous feelings, but of course the nerd has to rip his heart in a thousand little pieces and make the nerves swarming in his stomach even worse.

"I have been since we were kids, and I know that we've.. Been through things that we need to work through, but even then, you're the person I want by my side when we do. I want us to be able to do it together, every single little thing. And, you don't have to say anything right now, or even answer me at all, but i just-"

He seriously believes he'll blow himself up right there, his face flaming red. He doesnt think about what he does and just goes for it, smashing their lips together. Deku doesn't do anything for a second, but then Katsuki feels arms wrapped around his waist and Deku's pulling him closer.

He pulls away to answer.

"I love you too, Izuku."

And Katsuki knows that whatever comes, they will both deal with it together. 

All I Want Is You (Bkdk, Dkbk)Where stories live. Discover now