- 65: All I Want Is You Now -

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Izuku looks back at Ishida's body, thinking of how he's going to get his body out without having to break it apart in the water. It's not that he doesn't feel bad, Ishida had been his friend for months, and they hung out all the time. Thinking about it just makes his head spin. 

The situation he's in right now is too much for him, but not so much that he's bordering on hysterics. At least, he thinks he isn't. He hopes not. The last thing he needs right now is to be seeing isidas ghost as a manifestation of his guilt. 

 He doesn't want kacchan to be put away. He doesn't want his dream to be ruined, all of his hard work to go to waste. He saw everything that happened. Ishida wasn't innocent, but that doesn't make what kacchan did any better. 

Either he can just focus on getting rid of the guilt after what he does today that will surely haunt his dreams and move forward, watching kacchan become a hero. Or they can both rot in a prison cell, Katsuki for murder and Izuku for being an accomplice. 

He prefers the first choice. If he went to prison, his mom would have a heart attack. Who else would be with her in that house? She would spend all of her afternoons and mornings alone, no one to write sticky notes to or make food for other than herself. 

Maybe he's just trying to justify what he's about to do. 

He's never dismembered a corpse before, something that he never thought he would ever have to do. Which part should he cut into first? It's not like he has the luxury to think it all through right now. He did watch some human anatomy videos before he got here, but of course he's not going to search up 'how to dismember a dead body.' 

the first thing the police will do if they suspect murder (Izuku hopes that there is no sign of that) is keep tabs on Izuku's internet searches. So most of this little task is going to be a learning curve full of guess work and trial and error. 

Ok, first step, get the body out of the water. 

He tries to get him by his arm, muttering small sorrys and curse words as he does. It's a lot harder than he thought it would be, and it doesn't help that the mud makes him slide. The more he tries, the more he just slips and the more Ishida's corpse splashes in the water. 

"You know your useless                           Izu,                   just call     for help   "

Izuku only gets rougher with the pulling. He isn't going to ask for help because he isn't useless. He can pull a fucking corpse out of the water. 

"                           . You look like a bitch right now. What, you're hoping he'll give you a kiss or some shit                                         ?"

Izuku glares down at the corpse in the water. 

It isn't like that. He isn't helping kacchan because he wants some sort of gain from it, he's helping because he loves him. It's different, totally different. 

"Tell the truth            You need a fucking reality check Izu                           "

God damnit just shut-

Kacchan comes up from behind him and takes the arm. 

"Let me help-"

Izuku glares at him. Does kacchan think he can't take care of a body either?  

"I don't need your help." 

Kacchan glares back at him, dirt on his cheek and hands. 

"Izuku, let me help or I'll-" 

"Or you'll what? Push me off the edge of a cliff just because i pissed you off when trying to get rid of the body you put here?" 

He doesn't mean to say it. That was the last thing on his mind, though he sees the effect it has on the blonde next to him. His face is blank, his glare melting off of his face. He drops the arm, splashing it in the water. Izuku prays to something or someone out there that there are no people around. 

Then hands are on his shoulders, digging into his skin. Kacchans eyes are frantically searching Izuku's face, his own contorted into some type of desperation. It catches Izuku off guard, and he stares back as kacchan speaks. 

"Izuku, you know i would never do that to you! I-I would never," 

He can hear it in his voice, when it breaks off and how it strains against his ears. The police aren't going to be as accepting of this as Izuku is being. The public definitely won't be either. Katsuki could get years, even life for this. 

and that scares him more. 

"I know you wouldn't kacchan. I just... I... I'm just panicking and scared-" 

"Of me?" 

The fear makes his words sound so small, and Izuku hates it. He hates that kacchan is feeling like this, and he can't just take it all away. He shakes his head quickly, gripping the fabric of his shirt to ground himself. 

"No! No, not of you. For you, kacchan. If we don't do this fast, then you could lose everything just for..." 

He looks at the body still bobbing in the water. He's not going to let kacchans life fall apart just for Ishida. 

Izuku hopes that this is the last time he will ever have to cut up a body with a handheld saw. Before they went home, Izuku dug his own hole as far as he could from the body, burying the saw and the other things they used, including the backpack. 

People rarely go missing here, so he guesses they have a couple of years, maybe their whole lives, free of anything but the guilt. He squeezes kacchans hand as they walk home, his body sore. His legs feel like they are made of bricks as he picks his feet up over and over.

Kacchan squeezes his hand back and glances at him. 

"Can I..." 

the blonde trails off as they get to Izuku's house, Izuku realizing that his mom isn't home yet. Shes probably with Mitsuki, which is probably a good thing. Izuku would have felt bad if he knew he left her here alone. 

"Can i sleep over?" 

He nods, giving kacchan a tired smile. 

All I Want Is You (Bkdk, Dkbk)Where stories live. Discover now