- 17: All I Want Is You Now -

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"What the hell did you just say?!"

He doesn't get close enough to actually blow him up though and even if he did, he was just going to burn him a little bit. It would hurt, but it wouldn't be permanent. But Deku doesn't know that. 

Besides, he'd be dead if he left any marks on his face. He sees his arm first, his eyes following the movement. He can feel the small amount of heat by his hand almost touching Deku's face. 

He is stopped from even doing that because he hears the loud slap, feels his head turn and he feels the stinging, all in some blur that he barely processes. 

It sends sharp pain through his cheek and his brain feels like it stops for a long second. 

He's snapped back to reality when Deku speaks. 

"I said, I'm not going to let you push me around anymore Bakugou."


His voice is calm when he says it, and when Katsuki looks at him, he feels like everything has just stopped. His eyes are almost blank, a pale green, and he stares right through him, like Katsuki is-

He leaves, the smell of his shampoo brushing against Katsuki's nose as he does. He stands there, staring at the wall in front of him, his vision hazy, long after the sound of his footsteps disappeared. 

What the hell just happened? 

He still feels the stinging and heat coming from his cheek and it keeps him somewhat grounded. Though that thought makes it feel even worse. 

He hadn't expected Deku to get pissed off like that. He would have never expected it in a million fucking years, but here he is. 

He stares at the brick wall for a while. He doesn't know for how long, but he's interrupted when he starts to hear footsteps. 

His stupid brains first thought is that its Deku coming back to cry at his feet and beg for forgiveness, and his stupid body reacts, standing straighter and his vision snapping back at attention. 

He's an idiot, because it's just the two extras. 

"Hey Bakugo, we were looking for you!" 

"Yeah! Someone said they saw Midoriya dragging you away and that he looked really pissed, did you beat him up?" 

Katsuki feels that irritation rise up in him, but its shot down by some feeling of emptiness. He shoves his hands in his pockets and walks, the two of them following after. 

"Yeah. Bastard cried like a little bitch." 

Even the words feel empty when he says it because it isn't even true. 

if anything, it was Katsuki who- 

The extras give him big grins, 

"Good job!" 

"I bet he was begging you to go easy on him huh?" 

He doesn't say anything and the two of them are more than glad to pick up his slack, talking both of his ears off as they all walk to class. Katsuki lets it slide. 

It's a good distraction from the whirling pit in his gut. 

Classes end in one big fat fucking blur. A blur that is mostly filled with replaying this morning over and over in his head and then feeling as that fucking pit grows so big it feels like it's going to swallow him up. 

Its shitty, because right where his seat is, he is able to see everything. Right in the corner, right in the perfect spot to see that piece of shit. He looks like it's just another normal boring class, but it isn't. 

He doesn't care why he feels like it isn't, but even to him, its different now. A kind of different that makes him want to go over there and make sure that fucker never looks at him like that again. 

But that emptiness, again, kills any resentment or anger he may have. 

Which is something he knows is extremely different. 

And he fucking hates it. 

He ends up hating it so much that he follows the piece of garbage more than usual. He wants to see just how miserable he is without Katsuki. It had to be affecting him somehow. Deku is a dumbass, but he knows he can't go on long without at least acknowledging Katsuki. 


"You're the one who needs to get over themselves. I can't believe that all this time, I've been wanting things to go back to the way they were before. That I've been hoping that one day you would just... grow up. But I'm done. You can go play in oncoming traffic for all i fucking care."


Katsuki ends up following him from school to his house, staying outside to watch his window, wait till it's dark out, then going home. 

For three weeks straight. 

Balancing that out with school shit and actual sleep is nothing to Katsuki. He's skilled after all. He's done this thousands of times now that he can do it with his fucking eyes closed. 

And every single day, he is forced to watch how unaffected Deku is about all of it, still doing all of his shit like hanging out with that asshole, studying, going out, all kinds of bullshit. 

While Katsuki feels like his gut is being sucker punched like a damn idiot. 

They don't even talk anymore or even look at each other. Just passing glimpses, and if they pass each other in the halls, Katsuki keeps his distance. 

Even if he didn't, he knows Deku would probably jump away from him like he has some disease.  It's like Katsuki doesn't even fucking matter, like it was not just months ago everything was fine

Not fine fine but fine with him

It's all that motherfucker's fault. If he hadn't stuck his nose in his business, if he had just stayed away, if he just left Deku fucking alone like he was supposed to, Katsuki wouldn't feel like such shit.

He's done. 

He's done feeling this way. 

He's done putting up with this bullshit. 

That fucker is dead. 

Katsuki is going to put him in the ground so deep he won't even be able to claw his damn way out. 

All I Want Is You (Bkdk, Dkbk)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ