- 62: Are You Gonna Hurt Me? -

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Katsuki walks out of the gym, just finished up with training. He has done a shit ton of things today, like every single day lately. His body is sore from pushing himself, but with the training regimen he's following, it shouldn't affect him that much. 

He leaves the machine that he was working at after cleaning it off and getting his stuff from a locker in the changing room. He puts his sweatshirt over his head, pulling it down over his shirt. He disconnects his earbuds and puts them in his pocket, hearing beeping and heavy breathing. 

He shoves his phone into his pocket and stops in front of the exit of the gym when he goes to leave. There is a small shop filled with random shit like snacks and other items connected to the gym.

 His eyes stay on the bouquet of roses displayed at the front. He has plans to see Deku anyway after this, so maybe some flowers would help him feel better about him always being gone? He walks inside and comes back out with the flowers gripped in one hand. 

He starts to walk down the small trail leading to his neighborhood. The area is covered with trees and bushes, the trail rocky. Because it's so out of the way, it's a longer walk home. Even so, Katsuki feels like it calms him down after being pumped up with training all day. 

He breathes in the fresh air and the smell of the forest, relaxing. He walks by the lake, where the river branches off of, flowing and clear. His eyes glance over at the water, and his nose catches something... sweet? 

He stops walking and looks closer at the water. There is a dark spot near the land. If someone was just passing by and glanced at it, they would think it was a school of fish or seaweed growing close to the surface. 

But Katsuki gets a bad feeling and approaches the spot, the lake water swaying up and down. When he gets right up to it, he realizes that this isn't seaweed or some other thing, it's a body. His breathing quickens and he feels like his brain is reeling, not knowing if he's just seeing things or if it's actually there.

A body of someone he knows, because he fucking put him there. And now, he's come to bite him in the ass. The body of Ishida bobs up and down in the water, twisted neck nudging against the dirt over and over softly. 

He's bloated as all hell, looking like he's about ready to burst. Katsuki doesn't know what to fucking do. How the hell does he get rid of this piece of shit that fucks with him even in death? It's not like he can fucking drag his ass out of here! 

Hopefully the knife is lodged somewhere random, carried by the water, probably at the bottom of this lake. He can't get him out of the water, or someone could see him dragging the corpse. Even if he leaves and comes back with things he can use, he can't risk someone else finding the body and calling the fucking cops. 

His hands are fucking tied, and he doesn't know what to do. He can't think of anything clearly because of his scattered and panic filled brain. He rarely panics. He doesn't fucking panic. But right fucking now his life is flashing past his eyes and he can't fucking take it. 

His phone rings loudly in his pocket and he flinches, quickly digging it out of his pocket. Someone walking past could have heard that shit, fuck! He answers the call, not bothering to look at the caller I.D. 

"I'm fucking busy right-"

"Katsuki, we need to talk." 

Katsuki's brain goes into even more panic when he hears the tone of Deku's voice and his actual name on his tongue. He breathes sharply, chest heaving up and down quickly as he paces back and forth quickly, biting at his fingernails and ripping. 

"No, Deku, please not right now. I need your fucking help," 

He looks back at the corpse and feels his hand digging into his hair and taring slightly. fuck, he doesn't know what to do, he can't ask Deku. He fucking knows he can't tell Deku, especially not like this. But his brain isn't exactly working right now. 


"I found- Ishida." 

The line is silent for a while, too silent. His heart beats faster and he stops pacing, kneeling down in front of the corpse. 

"Please say something Izuku..." 

He hears shuffling and a door opening. 

"I'll be there in a minute. Send me your location." 

He could have come up with a thousand other things he expected Izuku Midoriya to say. 

"You what?! Is he ok?!" 

"Kacchan, I'm calling for help!" 

"Where are you?! Call the police!" 

With shaky hands, he sends Deku his location and puts the phone back to his ear. 


He hears the dial tone, signaling that Deku hung up. He puts his phone down and stares down at it for a while, at the words 'call ended' right under Deku's caller I.D and the couple seconds that they talked. He sounded pissed off and Katsuki decides to focus on that a little bit more than the corpse right in front of him. 

If he doesn't get rid of this body, he is totally fucked. He'll probably end up in jail, rotting away for God knows how long. Then there goes Deku, and UA, and a chance to ever become a pro hero. 

But Deku will help him. He has to. As far as he's concerned, Katsuki found him like this already.  He doesn't even notice that fat tears are rolling down his face, that one of his fingernails off and bleeding, and that strands of his hair are in his hand. 

He looks at the water, gets up, and walks a couple of feet from the corpse. He puts his hand in the water, washing the strands off of his hand, and throwing the nail into the lake. 

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