- 7: Fix The Holes In Your Heart -

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Katsuki can't take it anymore. 

He can't fucking stand it. 

Seeing them together pisses him off more and more every single time he is forced to look at it. At lunch, in class, in the hallways, hell even fucking walking home and to school. 

He even hears about it from his parents constantly. 

One time, he was stepping out of his house, ready to walk to school. And who does he see, getting out of Deku's house with messy hair, clean uniform, and breakfast in his hands? 

That fucking extra. 

He had spent the night at Deku's house, and now they were walking to school together, just to walk back and do it all over again. 

The scene reminds him of preschool, when him and the trash would walk hand in hand, from school back to one of their houses for a sleepover. 

"Such a good kid for making sure little Izuku gets home safe!" 

His stomach is constantly filled with red hot anger, boiling and begging to explode out of him. It goes away when he looks down at Deku, top half of his uniform off, shaking and pleading with him silently. 

His eyes scan every single area of flesh. Evey single scar in the shape of his hand. It makes his heart clench with excitement. On his shoulders, his ribs, his stomach, his chest, every part screams Katsuki

He's never done this before. It's not as bad as other things, but it feels insanely different. Thats why he didn't want those shitty extras around. 

They didn't get to see this. 

This was for his eyes only. 

This is how it should always be. Deku should know that every single part of him belongs to him and him alone. He can't run away from it because it's burned into his skin, his whole body. 

So it doesn't fucking matter how much time he spends with some other extra. 

He doesn't know how to say all of this to him, these thoughts coming in so fast and so sudden that Katsuki can barely prosses them himself. 

So he steps closer and reaches out, his hand fitting perfectly over the scar located at Izuku's heart. He wants to warm his hand up so much it scars again. 

He can feel Deku's sporadic heartbeat, his heart practically slamming itself against his hand. 

Jumping for him

His green eyes look at him, fear and confusion so clear Katsuki gets the urge to pluck them out. 

Where the hell is that excited look from before? 

Come on you piece of shit, smile. 

Or I'll make you. 

"Listen Deku and fucking listen close." 

he watches as Izuku flinches, staring up at him. 

He can't say all of the things he's thinking about, so he says, 

"Every time you look at yourself. Every fucking time you see your shitty self in the mirror, i want you to be reminded who fucking owns you. Never fucking forget who lets your useless ass stay alive." 

Katsuki warms his hand up even more and watches the panic cross his face. 

He wants to ruin Deku's face, so he'll be last person to ever get to see his pre- 

He stands and walks, but not before spitting down at him like the trash he is. 

The red boiling anger is back into the pit of his stomach right when the little shit is out of sight. That should teach him, and if it doesn't, Katsuki will have no complaints to beating the shit out of him again. 

After school, only a couple minutes after beating the shit out of Deku, Katsuki is outside. His goons are nowhere to be found, so he's lounging around next to the vending machines by the convivence store.

He's sipping on a drink he bought just for something to do, sitting right behind them in the shade. 

He figures he could just go home after he's done with his drink and study or something, so he is about to stand up and leave when he hears a familiar voice. 

"I promise I'm fine Ishida Kun. You don't have to worry about me." 


He stops, waiting.

Then he hears that assholes voice. 

"It's not fine mido! I can't believe he just gets to get away with something like this! He's a total monster!" 

Katsuki's mood worsens at the sound of his fucking voice saying that dumbass nickname. 


Fucking stupid. 

There is the sound of the vending machine beeping and a can falling out. 


"You don't have to buy every time we go out somewhere Ishida Kun..." 

"Don't worry about it mido! I like doing it for you. Drink up." 

Why the hell is he spoiling Deku. It's not like the fucking trash asked for it. Does he think Deku's some charity case or some shit? 

Does it help his stupid ass ego to help someone who's quirkless and weak? 

there is the sound of the can being opened and then silence. When that asshole finally speaks, what he says makes Katsuki want to kill him even more. 

"You won't have to worry about him anymore Mido. I promise I'll take care of him for you. That way you won't get hurt anymore." 

He says it so softly, so sincerely that Katsuki instantly knows its bullshit. 

Another fake ass hero wannabe deciding that fixing the quirkless kid's problems is a good way to pass time. 

How can Deku not see through this guy's shit? 

Katsuki hears the sound of footsteps walking away from the vending machines and he turns the corner to yell out some shit. 

Maybe beat that asshole extra up to show Deku just how weak this bitch really is. With no teachers around, who's going to fucking stop him now? 

But when he turns the corner and looks ahead, he stops. 

Deku smiles at the extra. Not just smiles, fucking beams at him. 

And with that stupid fucking look in his eyes he says, 

"You're already doing enough for me Ishida Kun. Your always so nice." 

"Thats because we're best friends Mido!" 

Katsuki feels that anger turn cold, and with sudden clarity, he realizes just how much it fucking stings. 

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