- 34: I Was Up Early -

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Everything is going to plan. All he needs to do is get through the movie, which will be as easy as this dumb plane arcade game, get Deku home, then watch as the fruits of his labor begin to grow.

And that fucking asshole will watch it all happen, day by day. 

Seriously, could this be any fucking better? He must be blessed or some shit, it takes everything he has not to burst out and laugh his ass off. He had noticed it the first moment Deku walked up to him at the fountain, the leech following behind. 

How his red eyes watched, barely canceling the anger and overall wrath he's feeling. And all Katsuki has to do is gloat it in that bastard's face. 

"Do it again nerd! We need to keep going if we want more tickets!" 

"Okay kacchan!" 

The nerd's eyes are bright as he focuses on the game and Katsuki can't get enough of the intensity he's being glared at right now. He's hiding behind one of the arcade games, far away enough that Deku won't notice, but close enough that he can at least see them. 

And Deku is none the wiser, just having fun and getting a shit ton of tickets. Katsuki wouldn't have it any other way. This victory was for him alone, and he wanted to marvel at it. Deku turns to him, slightly nervous. 

"We should let those kids play for a bit kacchan, we've been here for a while." 

He looks back at the kids, who are shuffling on their feet nervously, looking back and forth. He guesses they have spent enough time here anyway. Now to make the bastard watch them go into a movie where he can't follow. 


They get away from the game so that the brats can play, and he checks his phone for the time. They have just enough time to go get their prizes and then go get some popcorn and shit for the movie. 

"You hungry? Let's get our prizes then get popcorn and shit before the movie." 

They move towards the prize counter which happens to be a couple feet away from the exit. Which happens to be where that Ishida asshole is standing. He hears Deku's phone buzzing in his pocket and at the same time, watches as the asshole takes his own phone out. 

He looks pretty pissed off with the way he's glaring at his phone and tapping it really hard. The asshole looks up from his phone to see if Deku will respond, and to his glee, he doesn't even take his phone out of his pocket. 

He looks at him and gives him a cocky grin. 

'See? He couldn't give a single fuck about you asshole. Just quit and go home.'

Deku and him choose prizes. He ends up on a big stress ball and continues to squish it as Deku gets his own shit. He holds out a golden age all might keychain to him, his cheeks slightly flushed. 

"So we can match!" 

He takes it, planning to put it on his backpack when he gets home. Mostly so he can gloat about that too, and half because it's nice to have something to remind him of this day. He wastes the rest of their tickets on other bullshit he'll probably forget about in a minute, more focused on watching the nerd replying to that asshole's texts. 

Deku frowns as he texts back, and Katsuki takes that as another win. He can't believe he was getting so worked up over nothing, waking up early and doing all of that stuff. Today is going perfectly. 

When the asshole looks particularly worked up and eager for a response, Katsuki rips Deku's attention away from him and back to himself. 

"Oi Deku, pay attention." 

Katsuki snaps his fingers and Deku's eyes are on him again and he puts his phone away. He gives him a sorry looking smile. 

"Sorry Kacchan." 

He begins to walk out of the arcade, the nerd following like usual. 

"Have you guessed what movie we're seeing shit nerd?"

Katsuki watches him closely, vaguely aware of the asshole trailing them. Deku seems even more flustered, looking away. 

"No, i haven't. Are you sure i can't have another hint kacchan?" 

He huffs, though he isn't really surprised. 

"Fine, since I'm so nice." 

He sees the poster for the movie up ahead and he points at it. He watches as Deku turns to it and as the excitement fills his eyes and his mouth opens slightly. He stays silent for a moment, probably freaking out. 

He's gotta thank his old man big time because seeing the nerd eyes lighting up like a Christmas tree is totally worth it. 

"Chill the hell out nerd, you're going to get drool all over the floor." 

He turns to Katsuki slowly, practically shaking in excitement. Katsuki grins. 



He plays dumb and Deku seems even more built up, ready to burst. He grabs Katsuki's arm and he glances at the asshole, watching as his face gets even more screwed up and he looks like he wants to rip Katsuki's arm off himself. 


He grins wider. This day could not get any better. 

"Say what you gotta say Deku or your going to blow up in the theater." 

he shakes his arm, smiling ear to ear. 

"Kacchan! Oh my god! I can't believe you remembered! I'm so excited! I owe you my whole life oh my god!! This is seriously unbelievable kacchan! You're the best! The best! Amazing! Seriously my hero!"

His voice sounds so ecstatic and he's practically yelling. His excitement rubs off on Katsuki slightly, though the last words stick to him for some reason. 

My hero 


Deku's hero 

He pushes him off lightly, 

"Yeah, nerd i know, don't tell the fucking world." 

That bastard must have heard since the nerd was yelling. 

How does it fucking feel bastard? 

Watch as i take Deku away from you

Watch as i show you that I'm in an entirely different league from you 

And that there is nothing you can fucking do about it

All I Want Is You (Bkdk, Dkbk)Where stories live. Discover now