- 16: Because I'm Gonna Help You -

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His response is half of what he expected. His lips pull back in a snarl, and he speaks, 

"Who the hell do you think you are? You think your some fucking hero standing up for your shitty friend? You think just because you have some proof, shit is going to go your way? You need to wake the hell up."

He opens his mouth to say something in response, but Katsuki shoves his shoulder. The sharp pain makes him wince and force of it makes him go back.  

"Thats why i fucking hate you. You're a waste of space who needs a serious reality check. Your useless, when we were kids, and even now."

Izuku stops and the urge to say something dies in his throat. 

 Thats why i fucking hate you.

Katsuki had shown more than enough times that he hated him, that was obvious. But hearing it was different. At least, it felt different. It hurt. 

He gets shoved again and falls against the wall, still standing thanks to the support. He looks at Katsuki as he talks, eyes wide. 

"So get the fuck over yourself and shut the fuck up, kay?"

He smiles. 

A cold one that lacks any real happiness, but what he sees in his eyes makes his gut feel queasy and his spit taste sour. 

 Some sort of twisted satisfaction. He's sick of it. Of realizing over and over that the person he once idolized, the one that he once called his best friend, is not there anymore. 

"I... I'm not going to let you push me around anymore! I'm sick of your bullshit!" 

He watches as Katsuki's jaw sets and his eyes glare down at him. He stands up straight, properly back on his feet. 

"Deku. I've been so fucking nice, but you're really pissing me off." 

He doesn't feel that sinking in his gut or that pain that Katsuki's words give him anymore. He won't let himself feel it.  

"You're the one who needs to get over themselves. I can't believe that all this time, I've been wanting things to go back to the way they were before. That I've been hoping that one day you would just... grow up. But I'm done. You can go play in oncoming traffic for all i fucking care."

He sees Katsikis hand reach out and he can almost feel the heat of his palm against his face right after he is done with his last sentence. It comes so close; all he has to do is lean in a little more and the heat will turn into a scorching pain. 

"What the hell did you just say?!"

But he won't let it. He had meant what he said. It had felt so raw saying it to him that it took his mind a second to catch up. Before Katsuki's hand can connect with his face, ready to blow it off, he reaches his own hand towards him. 

It connects much faster than he thought, and he feels his arm move heavily to the left with the weight of Katsuki's head. There is a loud clap that seems to echo in the isolated place and now he feels a slight sting in his palm. 

He slapped him. 

He slapped him.  

"I said, I'm not going to let you push me around anymore Bakugou." 

His voice comes out like normal, like he just did the most natural thing known to man. For some reason, he even feels oddly normal. His heart isn't racing, he isn't panicking, he's just... 


He doesn't wait for him to answer, turning and walking out. He sees the look on his face though, the red mark on his cheek and the way his mouth stays half open like a fish out of water. 

He doesn't look back, his shoes crunching on the gravel and then turning into small thumps as he enters the school. His breathing feels normal, and he isn't rushing, just walking, taking his time. 

He sees a bathroom up ahead and turns into it, noticing that no one is around since its still so early in the morning. He looks at himself in the mirror while leaning forward slightly. His face looks normal enough. 

The problem is, the more he stares at himself, the worse he gets. His face is oddly white, like he had seen a ghost or something, and finally, he feels that queasy feeling come back to him like its looking for revenge. 

He grips the cold porcelain of the sink in his hands for some sort of support. His spit gets sour again and he can almost feel something rising in his throat. He swallows it down, a nastier taste in his mouth. 

He closes his eyes and takes a deep breath, focusing on letting it in and out as he tries to relax. His shoulders don't relax by any means, still stiff and tense like any moment, Izuku's bones will just snap. 

He takes one last look at himself before he lets go of the sink to plop down on the floor, his knees giving out. He's quick enough that they don't bang against the hard tile floor of the bathroom, instead ungracefully plopping onto his ass. 

He buries his face in his knees. 

Oh my god oh my god oh my god 

Why did he do that?! 

Is he dumb?!

How did he walk away so casually?! 

Did he really say all of that?! 

Oh my god 

He groans, the sound muffled by his body as he feels his knees shake. 

He's such an idiot. 

He takes his face out from his knees and instead stares at the pipes of the bathroom sink in front of him, praying to some god out there that the floor will just swallow him up into a black hole. 

What the hell is he going to do now... 

In the middle of his racing thoughts, his phone rings and buzzes in his uniform pocket. Without looking away from the pipes that now seem to be the most interesting thing in the world right now, he takes his phone out. 

He sees Ishida's caller I.D take up his screen. 

He hangs up. 

He just needs a minute. 

All I Want Is You (Bkdk, Dkbk)Where stories live. Discover now