- 32: Please Don't Desert Me -

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He would never tell anyone that he woke up at seven in the morning, an hour before the alarm he put on for today went off. He would never tell anyone that he put all his clothes out on his bed, with his fashion designer dad next to him as they picked out his outfit. 

That he went to the bathroom with his mom and used a little bit of her makeup to brighten up his face. That was information only for him and the people present. 

"Katsuki, since your already so good looking thanks to me and your father, you don't need much." 

She said that more to herself, but he heard it anyway. They had all silently decided that Katsuki would get ready like he was going to go walk on the red carpet like some A list celebrity because... 

just because. 

No main reason. 

He texted Deku after all that was done, guessing that he was just waking up. 

'Morning nerd.' 

'Your ass better be up by now.'

'wanna go to the arcade before the movie.' 

'You down?' 

Going to the arcade meant that they had to see each other earlier, which worked in his favor. Katsuki had also came to another conclusion while his old hag curled his lashes (Which hurt like hell). 

He was going to become Deku AKA Izuku Midoriya's best friend again. 

He was going to make up for all the bullshit he did and put the nerd through, and to do that, the first thing he needed to do was to become close with him again. 

it was going to be hard, but the things that someone really wants tend to be that way. And Katsuki really, really wanted this. 

'Goodmorning kacchan! Did you sleep ok?' 

Deku sends a sticker getting out of bed and he rolls his eyes despite laughing a little. 

'I am! Should we meet earlier then?' 

that response gets him a high five and another shoulder shake from his parents. Normally, he would be suspicious of their eagerness to help him with his goal of befriending Deku again, but since it's in his favor, he doesn't really care to ask. At least for now.

"Good work Katsuki! Everything is going according to plan!" 

"Operation woo Izuku Midoriya!" 

He glares at his old hag, the tips of his ears getting warm for some reason. 

"That isn't what this operation is called old hag." 

She rolls her eyes and winks at him. 

"Not yet." 

He turns away from her and looks at himself in the mirror, making sure he really does look good at its not just his imagination. 

"Are you guys sure this is good? Isn't it a little too fucking plain?" 

Masaru gives him another look, his brown eyes scanning every piece of Katsuki's clothing. 

"No, it's more than okay for a casual setting. Nice enough it doesn't look lazy but not so nice that it looks like your overdressed." 

He pats Katsuki's shoulder when he looks at him. 

"It's ok to feel a little nervous Katsuki, but we all know that you have this in the bag!" 

He gives him a smile and it tones down his nerves a bit. 

The old man is right, he's got this. 

He's going to knock Deku's fucking socks off. 

Were his thoughts only a couple hours ago. Now he's not so fucking sure. Damnit, he came way too early. There are way too many fucking extras here, why did everyone just decide on this particular day to come to the mall? 

His hands are getting fucking sweaty, and he keeps wiping them on his pants as he stands and waits. What if he accidently lets out an explosion while they're hanging out? That would be a whole fucking disaster for the both of them. 

He looks around after checking his phone for the twentieth time in this one minute. He looks up and sees him and fuck he should just give up and go the fuck home. 

He looks good. 

Too good. 

Fuck, he knew he should have dressed better. 

Deku smiles at him and he walks over to him, his heart beating so fucking fast it feels like its slamming against his ribs. 

"You good nerd? There's a lot more fucking extras then i thought i thought there would be but whatever. let's go." 

Oh, fucking god, he's dying. 

He's sweating way too fucking much, this is not a good fucking start. He starts to walk and the nerd follows him with a smile. 

"Ah... Y-You look good kacchan!"  


His heart beats faster and he can feel his chest getting warm. He's such a bastard, just saying that like nothing, damnit! 

It was worth it getting his eyelashes almost torn off. 

"I know i do Deku. You look good too i guess." 

Damnit, he could have been nicer, but his heart feels like it's trying to escape his body right now. He keeps his sweaty hands in his pockets, trying to discretely wipe them on the fabric. He looks at Deku and sees pink flood his cheeks and his heart stops. 

He needs to chill the fuck out or he's going to die before they can even get to the fucking movie. 

"T-Thanks kacchan!" 

He shrugs. 


They both get to the arcade, the sound of the games and excited chatter filling their senses. Deku is still really close to him, and Katsuki admits that he likes it that way. Before, Deku wouldn't go near him at all. This is a nice change. 

Katsuki pays for all the tokens to be put on the card. It wasn't easy since Deku had insisted on paying or at least halfling the pay, but Katsuki refused. This was his idea after all, it would be rude as hell to have the nerd pay for shit. 

Besides, it didn't hurt to show the nerd that he could and would have more than enough money to get him anything he wanted, even if it meant taking extra shifts somewhere or getting a second job. 

This was going to be the best fucking day of Deku's life, and he was going to make sure of that. 

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