- 66: Baby Im So Sorry -

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She stares at the wall of his room, sitting on the bed. Her husband hasn't been home in days. Even with their son missing, he still doesn't want to see her face. When did all of it go wrong? Was she not a good mother? Did she not do enough for him? 

The pictures of her son's boyfriend, or at least, she thought he was his boyfriend, are all still up on the wall. She looks through all of them, several of the green haired boy sleeping or inside of his room, unaware of the camera focusing on him. 

She didn't know what to feel, though it was hard to think of anything with the glasses of wine clouding her mind. She stands up, stumbling slightly as she walks to the wall. She stares at them for a moment before gently taking them off. 

She doesn't rip them off or tare them, just removes the tape and the pins as carefully as her shaking fingers would allow, the stack in her other hand steadily growing. Her tears pool in her eyes and fall down her face, and she silently weeps. 

What is the point of having all of this when she's all alone now. She looks under the bed after collecting all of the photos and pulls out the shoebox full of things. She wants to apologize to her son, and Midoriya. She doesn't touch any of the items in the box and instead goes through his desk. 

There are a number of handwritten letters, all addressed to Midoriya. She spends some time reading them. They range from a number of feelings. Adoration, want, love, hate. It's a glimpse of her son that she had never gotten before. 

She puts the letters and the photos into the box and carries them downstairs. The house is completely silence except for the sounds of her footsteps. She braces herself against the wall when she almost trips over a fallen bottle, her brain hammering against her skull.

She gets to the patio door and slides it open, stepping out into the warm air. She takes a deep breath and makes her way to the fire pit. She sets the box down next to her when she sits down, watching the fire starting to form. 

Then, one by one, she puts the items inside, watching the fire grow brighter and bigger. She sits there, feeling its warmth. She doesn't know how long she does so, but when she finally gets out of that hazy fog, the moon is high in the sky. 

There is the sound of the patio door sliding open, and someone coming down towards her. At first, she thinks its Ishida who has finally come home. But when she slowly turns her head, the face of her husband is what she sees. 

Shes not even sure she can really call him that anymore, or if there was even a time she would have. He looks down at her sitting in the chair, his eyes dark and face well shaven. He has a tailored suit on, his hair slicked back. 

"What are you doing out here." 

His voice is cold when he speaks to her, not at all warm and kind like the way he speaks to his secretary or any other women he meets. When had she become so ugly and undesirable to the man she loves? 

She turns back to the fire, noticing thankfully that the items had long since burned to ash. She looks up at the sky, only seeing darkness. Maybe she should move out to the country. The stars there are always so beautiful, just like when she was a little girl. 

"I was just... thinking." 

The man doesn't say anything for a moment, eyes on the fire. When she was young, she had lived in the country with her parents. One day, an heir to a wealthy company had stopped by on some sort of business with the townspeople. 

that's when, so in love with the daughter of a humble farmer, the heir whisked her away and married her. She had thought that God had given her a gift for all of her hard work. This was the thing of dreams, of fairytales. She was going to have children with a person that she loved, raise a family with them. 

She had been so naive back then. 

"What could someone like you be thinking about." 

She doesn't look at him, just focusing on the sky and the fire. 

"Our son is missing. Aren't you scared?" 

"No. He probably ran away because his mother was too incompetent. How can it be that a woman fails at the only job she is supposed to have." 

She doesn't say anything, but that doesn't stop him at all. 

"I work all day and night just to provide for the two of you, and you can't even pull your weight. I thought since you were a farmer's daughter you would have known something about hard work and effort, but i guess i was wrong." 

She scoffs lightly, wanting a glass in between her fingers. Her skin itches with the thought of shutting this man up. 

"By work, you mean sleeping with any women you see." 

"I have standards. You act like ill fuck anything." 

"Yeah. Anyone as long as it's not me." 

"You're lucky i chose you. You were going to rot in that town. You should be thanking me every single day for saving you." 

Her eyes land on the ground, where a discarded wine bottle sits. She doesn't remember drinking here before, but then again, when had she ever? She leans down and slowly picks it up, the cold glass in her hand. 

"I'm a man with needs, needs that can't be met with a woman who's long since lost her youth. Your nothing but an overrated babysitter, yet you can't even do that right." 

She slowly stands up, the weight of the bottle in her hand. 

She's sorry that she was such a horrible mother. 

What she doesn't feel sorry for is slamming the bottle into his head over and over until he finally shuts up. 

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