- 56: Okay Baby Alright -

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He watches as the nerd's face flames even more red and the way his body tenses up as he scrambles away from where Katsuki is standing. It's funny and cute as all hell when he gets so embarrassed, but moving around like that when he's sick could fuck him up. 

Deku pulls the blankets closer, twisting himself into them with his back against the wall. Katsuki noticed it a while ago, but the rain pattering outside doesn't look like it's about to let up anytime soon, so he's decided to take advantage of this opportunity that has to gracefully found its way into his hands. 

He hasn't slept or even walked into Deku's room since they were little kids, and now he gets to skip past all of the bullshit and sleep right next to him. Deku is stammering for something to say as he watches him calmly, waiting for him to get his thoughts together. 


Too bad he's cut off by another session of painful coughing, lurching forward slightly to shove his face into the elbow of his arm. He's a little worried about Deku getting worse because of the rain making the room colder. He can almost grin at his genius. 

If Deku is still insistent in not sharing a bed, then he can always say that another person's body heat is good for sweating out a fever. Still, he better save all of that for later until Deku stops practically coughing out his guts.

He takes his hands off of his hips to get the bottle of green tea sitting on the bedside table. He holds it up and taps it against the nerd's shoulder, who has calmed down and is now wiping his puffy eyes, breathing heavily. 

"Deku, you're really going to send my ass out there in the middle of the night."

Katsuki sees Deku's eyes glance at the window as he frowns slightly, still red. Deku takes the bottle of green tea and slowly opens up the cap, taking small sips. The green haired nerd thinks, and Katsuki starts to get annoyed, so he plops himself down. 

"Kacchan! W-Wait-!"

Katsuki looks at him, taking in his flushed cheeks, wide eyes, and scattered freckles. He notices the other side of the blanket is under the nerd, so he starts to dig around for it. As his hand gets closer, his brain can't help but let the situation sink into him. 

"Seriously Deku what's the problem? We used to sleep in the same bed all the time when we were brats."

He's going to sleep in Deku's room. He is going to be sharing a bed with Izuku Midoriya. Alone. Just the two of them. He prays to whatever god out there that his face isn't showing any of his racing thoughts. 

Deku lets out a small squeak, but Katsuki just keeps going for the blanket. The sooner he gets comfortable the sooner they both fall asleep, which means that he can accidently maybe probably hold Deku when he's asleep. 


Would that be pervy? He doesn't want to be a fucking pervert or anything, but isn't that what most people would do if their sleeping with the person they love? Would deku push him away if he woke up to them like that? 

"What nerd, I'm trying to-" 

"Your hand is right under my ass right now-!" 

Katsuki couldn't have gotten his hand out of there any faster. Fuck, just his luck, right when he's worried about being a fucking pervert he goes and does this shit. Obviously, it was an accident it's not like he meant to do that!

His face feels warm, and his hand is now in the air, held up. He slowly looks back at Deku, who is looking back at him with a surprised and embarrassed expression. 

"Don't tell auntie inko. It was an accident."

The words hang in the air since Deku doesn't say shit, just staring at him. Damnit, damnit, why the hell is he looking at him like that?! His green eyes are looking at every part of his face and it only makes his heart pump faster. 

"Deku, it was an accident! I would never touch your ass, well like, fuck, you know what i mean! Stop looking at me like that!" 

When Deku turns away from him, he only freaks the fuck out even more. He's about to spew whatever comes to mind when he sees his shoulders shaking. 

This adorable little shit. 

"Are you laughing at me right now you damn nerd?" 

Deku laughs harder, balling up away from him as he gets closer. 


He laughs harder and Katsuki can see his face. His eyes are filled with unshed tears, but not the bad kind. They couldn't be with that big smile plastered on his face. A smile tugs on Katsuki's own lips as he looks down at him. 

"You so fucking are!" 

"It's just your imagination!" 



Katsuki tickles the shit out of him until he looks like he's about to die, and only then does he decide he's learned his lesson. Finally getting the blanket, he puts it over himself and fixes Deku's side.

Green eyes look into his own and he takes in every detail of his face. He's never been this close for this long before. He looks at his freckles, then every part of his face. The light from the lamp casts soft shadows on the both of them. 

Deku looks so peaceful lying next to him. 

Katsuki's eyes catch something else. The nerd's shirt is pulled down, way too big for his body. Katsuki can see one of the scars shaped as his own hand staring back at him. What was once his only connection to the person he didn't know he had these feeling for is now a constant reminder of the person he used to be. 

It makes him feel shame, his gut churning. 

Deku must have caught him staring because his eyes widen slightly before his smile melts off of his face.


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