- 45: Keep Tellin Me To Shut It -

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Where the fuck is Deku?! 

How can one person get lost so fucking bad?! 

He's looked everywhere, and he's starting to lose his shit. 

What if someone kidnapped him? What if they drugged him, put him in a trunk, and drove him off somewhere and Katsuki couldn't do anything because he's fucking here at this stupid fucking party?!

He doesn't even realize that he's burning his pants, small puffs of smoke coming from his hands, until one of his extras gives him a concerned look. He has a drink in each of his hands, taking a sip of one. 

"Hey Bakugou, you ok dude?" 

He glares at him, letting go of his pants only to wipe his palms on them. 

"I'm fucking fine. I can't find Deku and I'm pissed off." 

The other one slings his arm over the other one's shoulders. 

"Midoriya? I saw him with a guy with red and white hair. They went up to the bedroom-" 


He looks at him wide eyed before practically launching himself off of the wall and rushing to the staircase. He ends up shoving and elbowing a shit ton of people roughly out of his way to get up the stairs. 

"Deku?! Deku where the fuck are you?!" 

That icy hot motherfucker, what the hell does he think he's doing taking Deku right when he isn't around and bringing him up here to a bedroom, all alone with each other. He opens one of the bedroom doors, hearing and feeling it slamming against the wall. 

His eyes land on the pair on the bed, his eyes wide. Then they narrow, glaring at Icy hot, who sits against the wall.  The both of them are sitting on the bed, a couple of condoms in between them as Deku paints his nails.

"What. The. Fuck." 

 When he comes bursting in through the door, Deku turns towards the sound, eyes wide and slightly surprised. Then, when he realizes that its Katsuki, he gives him a bright smile, standing up from the bed quickly to go towards him. 


When he does, Katsuki grabs the nerd's hand tightly while still glaring at Icy hot. The other doesn't seem to care that much, just looking back at him with an emotionless expression. He pulls Deku closer to him and away from Icy hot.  

"What the fuck do you think you're doing icy hot?!" 

The bastard looks uninterested, leaning over the bed and pulling his boots onto his feet. He is putting them back up, tightening and pulling the shoelaces. He doesn't even look at Katsuki when he speaks. 

"Nothing. Midoriya was just doing my nails." 

he says blankly, and Katsuki just gets more pissed. Who the hell does this bastard think he is, acting all high and mighty like Katsuki is fucking below him. 

"Whatever. Come on Deku." 

Katsuki pulls Deku out of the room but not before the nerd smiles and waves goodbye at icy hot. They shove past people, Katsuki making damn sure not to let go. They leave through the door and the warm night air brushes against them as they walk to the sidewalk. 

There are a lot of people in the yard, passed out or still drinking, laughing and partying. Katsuki stops at the sidewalk in front of the house and takes out his phone. Deku leans against him, stifling a yawn. 

Katsuki is looking around, just because, when he catches a pair of eyes hiding behind a tree. It sends shivers down his spine and the hair in the back of his neck standing up. He doesn't even have to guess to know who it is. 

That motherfucker. 

He dials aunt inkos number and puts the phone to his ear, Deku's body still against his side. It's warm, and Katsuki can't help but worm his other arm around Deku's waist to bring him closer. He doesn't break eye contact from the eyes watching them, bloodshot and irritated. 

The nerd doesn't say anything about Katsuki's arm around him, just wiping at his eyes. The phone rings for a couple of seconds before there is a click and aunt inkos voice comes out a little muffled.  

"Hello Katsuki! How's the party going?" 

"It's going ok Auntie, Izuku needs a ride home since he's tired, can you come pick him up?" 

There is the sound of keys jingling and a door shutting. 

"Ok, I'm on my way! Do you need a ride too Katsuki?" 

He pauses for only a moment before responding, 

"No thank you Auntie, I'm going to stay out a little longer." 

"Ok! See you guys soon then!" 

Katsuki hangs up and puts his phone back into his pocket. He helps Deku sit down on the curb, sitting down next to him. Deku rests his head on his shoulder, his fluffy hair brushing against Katsuki's cheek. 

"Thank you for today kacchan. I had so much fun." 

Katsuki's heartbeat quickens slightly, and he hums. 

"Good. Thats why i brought you Deku. We'll go somewhere else though, I'm fucking done with parties." 

Deku lets out a soft grunt, and inkos car pulls up. She looks at them, a smile on her face. Katsuki gets up and Deku follows, yawning again. Katsuki opens the door and helps Deku inside, inko patting his shoulder gently. 

"Thank you, Katsuki. Make sure you get home safe, ok? Let your mom know you stayed up longer." 

Katsuki nods and shuts Deku's passenger door and stepping back. Deku looks at him and gives him a small smile. 

"See you tomorrow kacchan!" 

"See you nerd. Ill text you when i get home." 

Katsuki steps away from the car and goes towards the house. Inko drives away with Deku, Katsuki watching from the porch. When he's a hundred percent sure that they are gone, he begins to leave. 

He walks down the sidewalk for a couple of minutes, hearing the sound of footsteps that are not his own behind him the whole time. 

"Are you going to keep following me like a fucking creep or am i going to have to beat the shit out of you asshole?" 

Katsuki stops walking, the footsteps stopping. He turns around and Ishida looks back at him, his expression twisted into a glare. 

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