- 37: You Make Me Feel Dirty -

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"Mom, I'm going." 

She looks at him from her bed, the sun blocking curtains drawn all the way as to help her sleep. He's standing by the door, not wanting to go in. He sees some of the empty beer cans littering the floor but doesn't bother to pick them up. 

He knows fresh ones would just replace them. She slowly sits up from her bed, her hand touching her head as she winces. She squints at him, the bright light from behind him seeming to blind her. 

"W-What? Where...?" 

Ishida looks at her blankly, and without a moment's hesitation says, 

"My boyfriend's house. I told him i was sleeping over so you won't see me till tomorrow." 

She nods slowly, slightly confused. 

"Right... Your boyfriends house. Ryo?" 

"No mom, Izuku Midoriya." 

"Y-Yes... Izuku Midoriya...." 

There are a couple beats of silence where she looks almost contemplative, until she gives him a strained smile. 

"Ok honey. Be safe." 

He nods as slowly closes the door, watching her go back to sleep and leaving it slightly open. He leaves his house, going to Izu's. He knocks on the door and rings the bell. He waits for a moment, staring straight ahead at the door.

The door opens and Izu stands there, wearing an apron that is covered in batter. There is some even in his stands of hair and Ishida thinks it's kind of gross but doesn't comment. He flashes a smile. 

"Hey Izu, what are you up to?" 

He peeks behind Izu to look inside of the house. Inko doesn't seem to be home, which is a good thing. It means he won't have to be on his guard. He doesn't stand outside for long, Izu moving to the side to let him in, as he should. 

He politely takes off his shoes and he smells burning. He scrunches his nose and looks back at Izu, slightly concerned. 

"It smells like something is burning, everything ok Izu?" 

He gets a nervous smile, Izu's eyes slightly casting down. He laughs slightly and Ishida walks into the kitchen where the burning smell is coming from, Izu following behind him. 

"Yeah, well I'm trying to make cookies but..." 

He looks around the kitchen. It's an honest mess. It's no wonder Izu looks like that, covered in batter. He looks at the explosion shaped cookie cutters and pauses for a moment. 

"It's not going so well..." 

He looks at the dirty dishes in the sink and the ruined batches of cookies, burnt to a crisp. Izu shouldn't have even tried to do this. He knows that he sucks at anything kitchen related. When they move in together, he'll make sure he's the only one allowed in the kitchen. He wouldn't want Izu burning down their perfect house with his shitty cooking skills. 

He rests his hands on his hips and whistles, continuing to look around, then turning to Izu. 

"You know your useless in the kitchen Izu, why didn't you just call me for help?" 

Ishida at least knows how to make simple cookies, but his poor Izu thinks its rocket science. It's not really surprising, just kind of disappointing. He thought Izu would be smarter since he blows off all of their hangout time wanting to study, always talking about it, but it doesn't seem to be helping him much. 

Poor thing. 

"I didn't wanna bother anyone," 

He's not the sharpest tool in the shed, but he's sweet. Thats one of the many things Ishida loves about him. 

He pushes his sleeves up. He wouldn't be a very good partner if he didn't help his Izu out, besides maybe they could talk about how Izu has been avoiding him lately. 

"I can do it myself Ishida Kun, you don't have to-" 

He's looking at the recipe, really not seeing what Izu is struggling with so much. 

"I'm already here, might as well help you out since you need it so much!" 

He says cheerfully. Another thing he loves about his Izu, is that he's obedient. He doesn't fight back or argue all that much, which is perfect. As they work, he decides to bring it up. 

"So, we haven't been hanging out together as much lately. You barely talk to me at school, so where are you at." 

Izu doesn't look at him, just mixing. He hates when Izu avoids answering his questions. There aren't supposed to be any secrets between partners, but Izu seems to not know that. 

"Nowhere, just... studying." 

A lie. 

"Every day?" 

"Well, yeah. You know my mom she's... very passionate when it comes to my education?" 

He keeps lying to him, and it's making him very frustrated. He folds his arms and leans into the counter. Izu finally looks at him, and that guilty look in his eyes tells him all he needs to know. 

"I'm... sorry. You must have felt bad with me being gone for so long, i promise it's not a forever kind of thing, I've just been... busy." 

he takes the bowl of batter from Izu and begins to finish up the cookies. 


Why won't he just tell the truth? 

He puts the cookies in the oven and shuts it. 

"Thats what i said." 

he hates when Izu gets all mouthy like that. He'll have to make sure he works on that when they start to live together. He doesn't know how much more his patience will last. He takes a calming breath and smiles at him. 

"It's ok, i understand! But even ill start to get lonely if you leave me alone for so long Izu, so try to spend more time with your best friend hm? Let's not forget you kept you company when you were Bakugo's punching bag." 

He has to remind Izu who helped him all that time. When they start to live together, he'll make sure Katsuki Bakugo is completely out of the picture. That way, Izu won't get any ideas. They can just go back to the way things used to be. 

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