- 57: All I Want Is You Now -

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Izuku notices kacchan staring at his collarbone, only to realize that his shirt is pulled down. Something dark pools inside of the blonde's dazed eyes and Izuku feels his smile drop. His skin pricks slightly. 


He says it quietly. It feels like if he says the wrong thing, in the wrong tone, he'll shatter the little bubble of peace that they put themselves in. The rain is still beating outside, tapping onto the window glass. 

The blonde still doesn't look at him, continuing to stare at the mark on his body. His heart feels oddly calm as he takes a deep breath and reaches out his hands. Kacchan finally looks at him when his hands are holding his, his eyes snapping back into focus.

Izuku silently takes his hand and put it on his collarbone, right on top of the scar. He feels kacchans hand twitch against his skin, but he doesn't break eye contact. Kacchans eyes are wide, and his pupils are blown as he stares back. 

"I know that you're sorry." 

Its slightly above a whisper, and Izuku almost doesn't register that he said it. But kacchan seems to have heard him regardless, because his hand presses closer. It's warm, and Izuku can feel the others body heat under the blanket as they suddenly get closer. 

The room is silent all except for the sound of their breathing and the rain outside. Izuku hears distant thunder, counting the seconds before another one booms. Kacchan looks at his own hand over Izuku's skin. 

"A sorry isn't going to fucking fix this, Izuku." 

He says it in a soft tone, but Izuku can still hear the hate in his voice. He holds his hand tighter. 

"Yeah, but it fixed everything else. We're hanging out again, having sleepovers, I have my best friend again kacchan. Isn't that enough?" 

Kacchan doesn't say anything. Izuku thinks he did something wrong. What should he have said instead? He can't say that he loves him. Not when he's still feeling all of this guilt. If he told kacchan he loves him, he'll only hate himself more than he already does. 

"It isn't enough. It will never be enough because you'll still be all fucked up. You'll still have these marks on your body, and you'll still remember that i-" 

Kacchans voice breaks and he stops himself, his eyes glistening slightly. 

"That I'm still the same person who did this to you." 

"But kacchan, you aren't. Youve changed, i know you'd never do that stuff." 

He still doesn't look convinced, looking at Izuku like he doesn't know what he's talking about. Izuku doesn't really think about what he does next, sitting up slowly. Kacchans hand drifts off of his collarbone and Izuku grips the hem of his shirt. 

"What are you...?" 

He trails off as Izuku lifts off his shirt and puts it to the side, his hair poofing up slightly. He looks down at him and the blonde is staring at all of the marks on his shoulders, chest, and his ribs. The light dances across his body, the storm rolling in. 

"Just the fact that you feel bad about these is more than enough proof that you've changed Katsuki. Even when you did all of these, i never hated you for them. So, you shouldn't hate yourself for them either. They aren't really all that bad if you look at them long enough..." 

He finishes, flashing him a smile. Kacchan sits up and looks at them, putting his hand up towards him. His eyes flicker to his face. 

"Can I..." 

Izuku nods and kacchan moves his hand, grazing over the scarred flesh and burns. They sit like that for a while, the other just examining every single mark. Izuku relaxes and lets him do what he wants. 

"My point is that our relationship has changed and it's a good thing, and that i don't think of them like that. Ok?" 

Kacchan looks back at him and nods. Izuku opens his arms and the blonde sniffs, his eyes filling up again as he hugs Izuku back. He buries his face against the part between his neck and shoulder. 

"I just want to make sure you feel better about this Katsuki. I.." 

I love you. 

Izuku's throat closes, and he can't get the words out, so he just settles on trying his best to comfort him. Hugging him feels so much warmer than any of the other hugs he's ever gotten. Probably thanks to his quirk, but even then, the beating of his heart helps. 

"Your way too fucking nice Deku. It pisses me off." 

Kacchan grumbles it despite his voice coming out watery and wobblily. Izuku smiles and his arms hold him tighter. 

"I'm not nice kacchan. I'm probably going to get you sick if we keep this up..." 

Kacchan huffs, his warm breath brushing against his skin, lighting it up in small goosebumps. 

"Then i guess we'll both have to stay in bed nerd." 

"That wouldn't be so bad kacchan." 

Kacchan is silent. Izuku feels sleep grogging up his senses as he holds back a yawn, relaxing against the blonde. He's half asleep when kacchan speaks again. 

"I really am sorry, Izuku." 

He says it against his skin, his lips grazing Izuku's shoulder. Izuku tilts his head, now against kacchans. 

"I know you are Katsuki. I forgive you. For all of it." 

Izuku sits there with him, quiet. The thunder is closer now, the rain banging harder against the window. The raindrops are moved against the glass because of the wind. The light is still flickering around them, the room untouchable from the rain.

 Izuku trails small circles onto the blondes back, ignoring the dampness on his shoulder, the occasional chocked off sound, and the hands clasping onto his back like a lifeline. He'll help kacchan forgive himself, because that's what he deserves. 

He wants to have moments like this and more every day. He wants Kacchan to feel comfortable enough open up to him. 

Because he loves him.

- One year later - 

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