- 53: Want You To Be Okay -

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Honestly, this is just his luck. 

He stares at his ceiling (the only thing he can really look at right now without feeling like he's going to die) the warm rag on his forehead doing almost nothing to cool down his raging fever. Turns out, he's super sick and the fever has been getting worse and worse until it made him pass out. 

At least the headaches are gone now. 

His mom left a while ago for work, putting water next to his bed with tissues, and telling him to call her if he needs anything. She was freaking out for a couple of hours, having to carry Izuku to his bed after finding him on the floor at the foot of the stairs, unconcious. His phone feels like it's on the other side of the room despite just being on the dresser, charging.

Izuku isn't sure if he could even move if he wanted to, his body feeling way too heavy and sluggish at the moment. He hasn't gotten to tell kacchan about how sick he is, but he's pretty sure he heard his mom telling aunt Mitsuki about it in the hallway while he was half asleep.

 He hopes he doesn't worry about it too much, with everything that's going on the last thing kacchan needs on his mind is how Izuku is doing. He will have to miss a couple of days of school if this fever doesn't let up, and then he's going to have a shit ton of work to catch up on. 

He lets out the most horrendous, throat aching, chest ripping, wet cough he's ever let out in his entire life. It feels so bad, Izuku has to sit up and just fucking let it out as his whole body shakes with just the force of it. After he's done with his life flashing through his eyes, he collapses down in bed again. 


This is going to be the greatest time in his life. 

He sniffs, his eyes half closed as he tries to get air through his stuffed-up nose. 

"That sound fucking painful. You good?" 

His heart beats out of his chest, and he is put into another coughing fit, turning on his side as he coughs loud and hard. 


The blonde-haired boy looks at him from the doorway for a second, a mask covering the bottom half of his face. He goes over to his bed side, the items inside of the bag he has clinking together as he moves. He feels his eyes tearing up slightly and the rag falls from his forehead, slapping wetly onto the ground. 

Kacchan sets the bag down carefully and grabs the rag, dipping it into the bowl of warm water and ringing it out. 

"Chill out nerd, didn't mean to scare you. The old hag wanted me to bring you some shit." 

Izuku finally stops his coughing, panting on his back again, his eyes slightly hazy. Kacchan puts the warm rag back on his forehead, his fingers lingering on his skin for a couple of seconds. 

"I heard you passed the hell out. You ok? You must have hit your head pretty fucking hard." 

Izuku gives him the best smile he can as kacchan pulls up his blankets all the way to his chin. 

"I'm fine kacchan, it's just a fever." 

He hates how rough and weak his voice sounds, and kacchan glares down at him. 

"Fever or not nerd, I'm here to take care of your dumbass. God knows you won't be able to do shit the way you are right now." 

Kacchan is already going through the bag of stuff when Izuku opens his mouth to protest. He doesn't have time to be worrying about Izuku. There are a million things that he should be doing right now, training, studying, anything else. He shakes his head slowly, but even that small movement makes it feel like his brain is rattling against his skull. 

"K-Kacchan, you-" 

His voice gets watery, and he clears his throat roughly, pain hammering through his chest. 

"You don't have ti-" 

"I don't have to Deku, i want to. Now just let me do this shit for you." 

Kacchan grumbles out the words, but it doesn't make Izuku feel any less of the butterflies in his stomach. He even feels his face growing even warmer if that's even possible with his killer fever. 

"Now sit up for a second." 

Izuku really doesn't feel like it, but kacchan puts his hand on his shoulder and helps him, sitting him up against the headboard of the bed. He rests his head against it and breaths heavily. Kacchan takes out a long plastic bottle from the bag and opens it up, holding it up to Izuku's lips. 

"Drink it but go slow. Ill reheat some of the soup that the old hag made for you." 

He does as he's told and drinks it slowly, and kacchan puts it on top of the bedside table. 

"Thank you kacchan."

Kacchan ruffles his hair gently. 

"No problem nerd." 

He goes over to the door and leaves to the kitchen, the bag in his hand again. Izuku waits in his bed for a while, coughing and breathing heavily so he doesn't feel like he's suffocating as much. It's so nice of kacchan to come here when he's so busy just to make sure Izuku is feeling better. 

It makes his heart race, and he can just picture how he must look right now. He prays that he doesn't look like a complete idiot laying here all sickly. He slowly reaches his hand out to the bedside table and grabs a tissue, blowing his nose. 

Everything just hurts. 

He throws the tissue into the trash can on the far side of the room, almost missing. Kacchan comes back to the room, a bowl of hot soup in his hands. He goes over to Izuku and holds out a spoon full of the liquid. 


Izuku opens his mouth and kacchan helps feed him, Izuku struggling to swallow and chew with how sore his throat feels. 

All I Want Is You (Bkdk, Dkbk)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant