- 47: I Remember Nights -

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He watches as the asshole, his eyes crazed and breathing heavy, takes out a knife from his hoodie pocket. Katsuki can only imagine what the fucking psycho was trying to do. Key word, trying, because like hell he's going to let any of that shit happen. 

Even if he didn't intervene, he wouldn't have the balls to do what Katsuki is thinking right now. He scoffs, his hands out and ready to move towards his face if he tries anything. 

"Really? And what the hell do you plan to do with that asshole?"

He takes a step towards him, and Katsuki doesn't back away, just waiting for him to come closer. Right when he gets the chance to, he's going to blind his motherfucker. That'll teach him a fucking lesson. 

He doesn't have to wait very long, his muscles tense and ready for any move that he's going to make. He sprints forward, the knife in his grip. Katsuki is preoccupied trying to get to his face, and he gets close, until the knife is plunged into his arm. 

He rips the knife from his hands, now that it's lodged into his arm, and shoves him away roughly. While he stumbles back from him, Katsuki stabs him in the shoulder. He was aiming for his neck, but whatever. His arm hurts like a bitch, and he's about to fix his mistake, but the asshole is already booking it away from him. 

He feels even more pissed off and takes the knife out of his arm, taking his other hand and warming it up, burning his skin. The smell of flesh and smoke form and he scrunches up his nose. He begins to sprint towards the fucker, who's a couple feet away from him. 

"Hey! Stop asshole!" 

He shouldn't have given this asshole a warming. He should have fucking killed him the first time. He isn't going to make the same mistake this time, this time, this guy isn't making it out alive. He runs past the playground that Katsuki and Deku used to play in when they were little. 

He promised himself that he would fix everything. That he would make everything better for Deku, that he was going to make him cry tears of joy. But if he cries for this asshole after he gets rid of him, he doesn't know what he'll do. He passes the playground and goes into the forest, watching the assholes back disappear in the dark. 

He doesn't know why that dumbass chose this place to try and run to. It just makes Katsuki's job a whole lot easier. He stops running, changing his pace into a slow walk. He listens carefully, looking around. 

The trees and bushes of the woods make it hard to see, and the dark makes it even harder. But he can hear just fine, the rushing of leaves and animals doing God knows what. After a couple of minutes of walking as quietly as he can, he begins to hear labored breathing and rushing water. 

He knows exactly where that bastard is, and once he turns, he can see him perfectly. One half of his body is showing, unable to be hidden completely by the tree trunk he chose to hide behind. He goes over to him and touches his shoulder, his hands already readying a blast. He cant help but grin in excitement. 

"Found you bitch."

He lets out the explosion and the bastard begins to bleed from his ear, screaming. He goes over to him, already planning to blow some of his limbs off. If this bastard is going to die anyway, might as well have some fun with it. 

He's never gone this far before, and it's kind of... 


 He's kicked in the legs, and he falls to the ground, hurting everywhere now. Fuck this guy, seriously. The feeling grows stronger when he kicks his body over and over. It feels like hes going to throw up his guts with how hard he's beating his ass right now. 

"How does it feel? Does it hurt? I'll make sure Izuku doesn't even think about you when we run away together. I mean, why wouldn't he. You'll be dead soon anyway."

Enough of this bullshit. 

He grabs his leg and pulls, making him fall to the ground and hit his head on the trunk of the tree. 


He takes a moment to stand up, his legs shaking and his breathing hard. He steps closer to him, shaking. 

"You're the one who's going to fucking die."

He gets on top of him, and of course he struggles, but its all for nothing. 

"Get the fuck-!"

He punches his face over and over, relishing in the feeling of his fist connecting with his face over and over. It's just like the fight at the party, but now, there is no one around to fucking stop him. He figures he's had enough fun when the asshole blacks out, his eyes barely open. Katsuki stands up and begins. 

"I'll make sure Deku never remembers you." 

Katsuki pushes and shoves as hard as he can, feeling the weight of his body, and then nothing, his hands pressing against the empty air. Then, as he looks at the moon above him, he hears the loud splash of his body hitting the water. 

His tense muscles relax only slightly, and he staggers back, breathing heavily. The stab on his arm will be fine, he thinks if he just treats it at home, it's bound to heal up with a couple of stiches. He looks down at the knife covered in blood and dirt. He kicks it off the cliff, making sure it goes into the raging river. 

He turns away, his feet barely leaving the ground. His body aches and feels heavy as he begins his long way home. He really doesn't know how to feel, though one thing is for sure. It rings in his head as he tumbles through the doorway of his house and up the stairs as quiet as he can be. 

It rung in his head as he fought that asshole, even as he pushed him off the cliff. He had seen the look in his eyes, the sickening fear and desperation to live, a life cut short because of him. And that single thought, that line of thinking that felt like a dangerous weapon, that made him want to kill, to protect, and to live was, 

I am in love with Izuku Midoriya. And anyone who tries to get in the way of that, will fucking die. 

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