- 55: Want You To Be Okay -

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"I'm staying the night nerd. Move over." 

Izuku doesn't process the sentence for a second, but when he does, his face flames red and he feels like he's going to pass out. He instinctively bolts up, gripping his blankets closer to himself and letting out a choked-out sound.

Kacchan wants to stay over?! Kacchan wants to spend the night in his bed even when he's sick?! He's been spending all of this time taking care of him without Izuku even having to ask and now he's going to stay over after years of not even a single normal conversation?

After all of this time, after holding on to all of the memories of their childhood this is basically a chance to make some new ones handed to him on a silver platter. His heart is racing in his chest and the heat gets even worse as he stammers for something to say. 


His stammering gives way to an onslaught of violent coughing, his body shaking and the pain reverberating in his chest as he holds his arm up. Kacchan just watches him, hands on his hips. 

There is a slight worry in his eyes as he grabs the bottle of green tea and taps it against his shoulder. When his coughing stops and he's wiping his eyes, the blonde speaks again, still holding the bottle of tea for Izuku to take. 

"Deku, you're really going to send my ass out there in the middle of the night."

It is only then that he hears the soft pitter patter of rain outside. Izuku looks at him and that previous guilt worms its way into his stomach. He takes the bottle of green tea and opens the cap, taking small sips. Kacchan is right. There could be someone out there, someone super dangerous.

Maybe Ishida didn't run away or throw a tantrum, maybe something really bad happened to him. There is no way he's sending kacchan outside all by himself. Strong quirk or not. Still, he can't help but feel bad about possibly being the reason kacchan gets behind on all of his work that he needs to do. 

He's already taken up so much of the blonde's time, way more than he deserves. He doesn't notice that when he was reeling from embarrassment, he had scrambled to the other side of the bed against the wall. But he does when kacchan stretches and sits on his bed. 

"Kacchan! W-Wait-!" 

The blonde looks at him, his face relaxed like always, the slight furrow in his brow just normal. He pulls his legs up onto the bed and digs under Izuku, trying to get the side of the blanket. Even if he knows that, Izuku still feels himself growing warm and freaking the fuck out. 

"Seriously Deku what's the problem? We used to sleep in the same bed all the time when we were brats."

Izuku kind of hates and admires how calm kacchan is about everything when he's not flying off of the handle. How is Izuku the only one who is nervous about sharing the same bed, the same blankets? He lifts himself up slightly and feels kacchans hand slide under him, letting out a small squeak. 


He's too busy trying to pull the blanket from under him without having him move too much, his brows furrowed deeper in concentration. He's so close, some strands of his hair brush against Izuku's cheek. 

"What nerd, I'm trying to-" 

"Your hand is right under my ass right now-!" 

Right when he says the word 'ass' kacchans hand is zooming away and up into the air, his face flaming red and eyes wide. Izuku stares at him in silence and the blonde slowly looks back at him. 

"Don't tell auntie inko. It was an accident." 

Izuku just stares at him, and the blonde gets even more embarrassed. He just can't look away, the red flush in his cheeks and the tips of his ears is so unfamiliar that it makes Izuku feel like he's imagining it even though he knows he isn't. 

"Deku, it was an accident! I would never touch your ass, well like, fuck, you know what i mean! Stop looking at me like that!" 

Izuku turns away from him, his shoulders shaking as he tries to hold in his laugh. Kacchan is still scrambling for something to say, only getting more and more embarrassed. 

"Why are you turning away Deku?! What the fuck-!" 

Izuku can't take it anymore and he bursts out laughing, even when it hurts his stomach and throat to do so. Kacchan narrows his eyes at him. 

"Are you laughing at me right now you damn nerd?" 

Izuku laughs harder and curls away from kacchan when the blonde presses into him warningly. 


It doesn't make him very believable when he bursts out laughing again, tears beginning to prick his eyes. 

"You so fucking are!" 

"It's just your imagination!" 



Kacchan puts his hands up and beginnings to attack his ribs, making Izuku kick and squirm, laughter booming around the room. 

"Kacchan no! Stop-" 

He can barely get any words out with how much he's laughing as kacchan looks down at him with an evil glint in his eyes. 

"What, not so funny now huh? This'll teach you!" 

"Please- Mercy! I give!" 

Katsuki grins and lets his ribs go, leaving izuku to catch his breath. In all of the chaos, the blonde had managed to swipe the end of the blanket, now plopping down next to Izuku and putting the blanket over them. 


Izuku's cheeks are flushed, and he turns his body to look at kacchan, who is turned in his direction too. The only light in the room is the lamp on Izuku's desk, illuminating the space in a soft glow. 

They look at each other as shadows move off of their faces and the rain gets heavier outside. Its staring at red eyes and blonde hair that Izuku realizes something that shatters and rebuilds his entire world in an instant. 

He's in love with katsuki bakugou. 

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