- 27: Is Wait For You To Call Me -

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Katsuki is too busy catching these shitty fucking fishes to look at Deku's side of the screen. He's gotta be there to pick up the nerd's slack. So he's quick to remind him to get his head in the fucking game when he notices that the little pixel Deku hasn't moved in a while. 

"Oi nerd! pay attention or we won't have enough wood for the barn and I'm not waiting another day for it!"

He feels Deku jump slightly next to him and his line of thought is brought back to the part where their thighs are touching. 

"Yeah, sorry i spaced out for a second." 

Everything is cool until he hears the nerds phone buzzing four times in a row. He looks back at Deku with a glare on his face. The green haired nerd looks nervous as all hell. 

He already fucking knows who it is, but he wants Deku to tell him himself. 

"Damn, the person texting you must be fucking dying." 

There is even more buzzing and with each sound, Katsuki's annoyance seems to reach new heights. It gets more intense when Deku's face flushes, the freckles on his face standing out even more against the red. 

"I-I'm sure it's not that important..." 

More fucking buzzing and Katsuki can almost feel the heat radiating from Deku's face. 

"Sorry, hold on."

Katsuki watches closely as Deku looks at his phone, emerald eyes darting to each message and notification. Katsuki decides to be nosy and leans close, shoulder touching Deku's as he takes a peek. 

He only sees a second of it since Deku is quick to pull his phone away and hide it. But even that is enough for Katsuki to know just how fucking creepy this guy is, even with Deku around. It's like he's not trying to even fucking hide it, like he has no fucking shame. 

He leans back as Deku looks at him. 

"He's blowing your phone up like crazy, and for what? Fuckin psycho behavior." 

He knows damn well he shouldn't be the one talking, and Deku knows that too if the look he gives him is anything to go by. 

"Hey. fuck you, i know what you're thinking shitty Deku." 

the nerd puts his hands up, acting all innocent. 

"I wasn't thinking anything kacchan! It's just, you know, you're not exactly..." 

He throws a pillow at him, and the conversation continues. It makes his stomach churn and his hands warm with the need to blow the bastards head open. 

Deku shifts slightly, the bed creaking under him slightly as he does so. He is looking away from him again, for what feels like the millionth time today. The tips of his ears are still red. 

It's all that bastard's fault. They were having a great fucking time until he started texting Deku like it was killing him.

Seriously, what does Deku even see in that asshole? It's like he does nothing but whine and bitch and make Deku deal with all of it. Its fucking annoying. 

And seeing him defend the piece of shit is even worse. 

"It's not like that Kacchan... He's a really good person. He's nice and he does a lot of nice things for me." 

Katsuki is even more annoyed. Deku doesn't even know half of the shit that asshole has done.  He wonders what would happen if he just showed him, showed him how fucking 'nice' that asshole is. 

Then he wouldn't be so eager to defend him instead of listening to Katsuki like he should. 

"You're not exactly a good judge of character nerd." 

Deku furrows his brows, confused and slightly annoyed when he finally looks back at him. 

"What's that supposed to-" 

Katsuki points at himself, blankly looking at Deku. The nerd of course takes the hint, understanding coloring his face as he shuts his mouth. A couple beats of silence go between them before Katsuki speaks again. 

"So, stay away from that asshole. He's shit." 

Deku is silent for a couple more seconds before he looks at his legs, his fingers pulling at the fabric of his pants. 

"I'll decide who i hang out with and who i stay away from kacchan." 

The sentence hangs in the air and Katsuki doesn't say anything. He's too pissed off to say anything about it. The game on the T.V continues as if nothing is happening on the other side, the soft noises of the ocean coming from the screen do anything but match the now sour mood. 

It's all that stupid bastard's fault. 

Deku looks like he wants to say something else because he turns to Katsuki and leans towards him. 

"Look kacchan I-" 

There is a loud knock on the door and both of them practically jump out of their skin. 

"Boys! Dinner is ready! Come down to eat!"

It's the old hag, and Deku is quick to stand up from his bed and call back, 


Her footsteps are already going back down the stairs when Deku grabs his controller to turn off the console after saving their game. He looks at Katsuki and gives him a small smile. 

He feels slightly better. 

But only slightly. 

The air isn't so heavy, and he follows Deku out the door, down the stairs and to the dining room. The smell of food rushes to Katsuki's nose and his stomach grumbles as he realizes just how hungry he was. 

Deku lets out a small laugh and Katsuki nudges him to shut the hell up. But of course, he doesn't, and that dumb smile is on his face as he sits down at the table. Katsuki sits in the chair next to him. 

His old hag is sitting across from him, and she gives him a look. He looks back at her. 

He guesses she was right about the whole making a move thing, as much as he hates to admit it. Without the help of his parents this opportunity wouldn't have fallen into his lap, and he wouldn't have gotten to hang out with Deku like he did just now. 

So he gives her a discreet thumbs up when he knows Deku isn't looking. 

All I Want Is You (Bkdk, Dkbk)Where stories live. Discover now