- 33: Please Don't Desert Me -

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He's having so much fun, and they haven't even gone to the movie yet. He's glad that kacchan let him pay for more tokens when they ran out and just hanging out in general. It's a big contrast to hanging out with Ishida, but that's probably because him and kacchan haven't hung out since they were kids.

"Do it again nerd! We need to keep going if we want more tickets!" 

They had found a game that let them have a ton of tickets for just pressing a button. The game was very easy, you just had to press the button when the plane on the screen flies to the red line, but the plane flies so slow winning is guaranteed. 

"Okay kacchan!" 

They had spent most of their time on this game, racking up more and more tickets. Luckily for them, there are two machines like this next to each other, so they can both play and win and earn tickets at the same time. This made their cards stock full of more than enough tickets to spend after an hour there. 

Izuku sees some kids waiting to play the game behind them, awkwardly standing around and glancing at them, coming back and forth again to check if one of them had left the game open for them. He wins one more round before looking at kacchan. 

"We should let those kids play for a bit kacchan, we've been here for a while." 

Katsuki looks at the kids then back at him, then grunts. 


Izuku smiles as they step away from the game and walk off. The kids are instantly on it, pushing the button and getting tickets. Katsuki checks his phone for the time and putting it away. 

"You hungry? Let's get our prizes then get popcorn and shit before the movie." 

He nods, moving towards the prize counter. He catches some people glancing at Katsuki and then turning away to whisper at their friends or just staring.

He feels slightly proud being next to Katsuki, as dumb as that sounds. He's definitely attractive, so it's obvious that most people would stop and stare. It's amazing that kacchan is always so confident and headstrong. 

His phone buzzes in his pocket but he ignores it for a second while him and Katsuki choose prizes. Katsuki ends up picking a squish ball twice the size of his hand, and Izuku gets a small all might keychain that's up to his pointer finger. 

He spots a golden age all might keychain and gets that too. He hands it to Katsuki with a smile. 

"So we can match!" 

Katsuki grumbles about how he's such a nerd but takes it anyway, his other hand gripping and pinching at his new stress ball. It's while Katsuki is using up the rest of their tickets when Izuku finally checks his phone. 

'Aren't you going to apologize?' 

He frowns slightly and messages Ishida back. Why was he asking for an apology when Izuku said that he wasn't free today? It's not like it's going to kill him to spend a little time away from him. Ishida is bound to have another friend to hang out with other then him. 

'I already said i was sorry about not hanging out today. We can hang out some other time Ishida Kun.' 

"Oi Deku, pay attention." 

Katsuki snaps his fingers and Izuku jumps, slipping his phone back into his pocket. He gives him an apologetic smile. 

"Sorry Kacchan." 

Katsuki glances at his pocket then rolls his eyes, walking out of the arcade. Izuku rushes with him. 

"Have you guessed what movie we're seeing shit nerd?" 

Izuku looks at him, his red eyes staring expectantly. He flushes, turning away. 

"No, I haven't. Are you sure i can't have another hint kacchan?" 

The blonde huffs. 

"Fine, since I'm so nice." 

Izuku looks back at him and Katsuki points in front of them. He looks in the direction and his eyes widen. 

He's pointing at a poster for an all might movie. An all might movie that had only shown on air years ago when they were children, never filmed or never adapted to a DVD. And now, they were showing it in theaters for today only. 

And Katsuki Fucking Bakugou got tickets for the both of them. 

"Chill the hell out nerd, you're going to get drool all over the floor." 

He slowly tears his eyes away from the beautiful all might poster to look at Katsuki. 


The blonde has a grin on his face. 


Izuku feels like he's on cloud nine and he grabs Katsuki's arm, staring at him. 


His grin gets wider. 

"Say what you gotta say now Deku or you're going to blow up in the theater." 

He can no longer contain his excitement and he shakes Katsuki's arm, his eyes wide and a big smile on his face. 

"Kacchan! Oh my god! I can't believe you remembered! I'm so excited! I owe you my whole life oh my god!! This is seriously unbelievable kacchan! You're the best! The best! Amazing! Seriously my hero!" 

Katsuki pushes him off, grinning ear to ear. 

"Yeah, nerd i know, don't tell the fucking world." 

Izuku smiles and falls into a rant about the movie and things he knows about it while kacchan is getting popcorn and drinks, adding things here and there that send Izuku into more mini rants. 

All the while, his phone buzzes with even more messages from Ishida all the way until they sit in the movie theater. As they get to their seats, Izuku glances at his notifications to see 80 plus messages from Ishida. 

He doesn't reply and puts his phone on silent as the movie begins. Katsuki eats popcorn next to him, already relaxed in his chair. They are the type of movie seats that recline so that the persons legs are up. 

Katsuki glances at him, then gives him a thumbs up. Izuku smiles and gives one back as loud starting music begins to come from the speakers. 

He watches the screen intently, excited and happy. 

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