- 12: All Over My Room -

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A couple days later, Izuku finally gets his homework in order. It felt nice, like he was in control again. Sure, Ishida was pissed off about it, but that wasn't a big deal. 

Izuku didn't do anything wrong, and it's probably a good thing he gets some space away from him. 

He has dinner with his mom, goes to bed, and puts his phone to charge next to his bed. He expects a nice deep sleep, waking up in the middle of the day, and just being lazy without anyone bothering him. 

That is not what he gets. 

His brain picks up his phone ringing in the middle of the night. It's still so dark, and his eyes are blurry. He blindly reaches for his ringing phone, praying to the gods that it's not an alarm he set himself the day before in hopes he get his shit together. 

He wipes his eyes, trying to get used to the blinding light in the dark, and when he finally does, Ishida's contact is all he sees on his phone. 

God damnit. 

He sees the time and almost shits himself. 

Three in the fucking morning. 

Look, Izuku feels bad that he is always annoyed with Ishida, but his patience can only stretch so thin. Especially when he calls at three in the morning on the weekend. 

He picks up, staring blankly at his ceiling. His voice even sounds exhausted when it echos in his room. 

"Ishida. If you're calling me for some bullshit reason, I'm going to be very upset." 

He isn't in the mood to mask his annoyance, besides he's way too sleepy right now. He waits for a minute before there is sniffling on the other side.


The tone of his voice is weak and sounds like he's about to cry. Izuku bolts up, his phone pressed against his ear. 

"What happened? Why are you crying?" 

Ishida sniffs again, followed by the sound of footsteps, and then the sound of him sitting down. 

"I... I'm outside. Can you come out?" 

Izuku wipes his grogginess away as best as he can. 

"Ok, I'm coming out right now. Just give me a second." 

He says, yawning as he forces himself to stand up and puts his shoes on. He makes sure he is being as quiet as possible when he steps out of his room, not wanting to wake up his mom and worry her at all. 

He goes downstairs and slips out the front door, the cold air brushing against him. He didn't waste the time to shrug on a jacket or anything, just doing straight out. 

He looks around for a moment before he catches Ishida. He's sitting on the sidewalk, his knees pulled close to him as he sniffs. Izuku rushes over, going to his side. 

"Ishida, what-?" 

He looks up at him and Izuku stops. One of Ishida's red eyes are puffed up, black and blue bruising already starting to show. His jaw is bruised as well, and even on other parts of his body.

And that's not even what catches his attention first. 

Right on his forehead is the burn in the shape of a palm. 

Its bleeding slightly, and tears come from his one good eye as he looks at him. 


Izuku feels a sudden chill race through his body as he stares at Ishida's forehead. Of course he knows who did this. 

Who else would have left a mark like this? 

Why would he do that to Ishida of all people and not h-

"Tell me what happened Ishida." 

He's surprised that he sounds so calm, but maybe he just can't hear the anger quivering in his voice. The other hugs him tightly, and Izuku puts his hand in his hair, trying to comfort him at least a little bit. 

"I-I don't- He just came up to me! I was in the park, a-and he started yelling at me. I... I told him to leave me and you alone, b-but that just made him more pissed off and when i tried to get away, he caught me and beat me up... And...." 

Izuku rubs circles on his back, that cold anger spreading through his body like electricity and making his muscles tense. 

"And what?" 

He presses, firm but gentle, nonetheless. Ishida's grip tightens around his clothes, and he lets out a small sob. 

"H-He grabbed me and put his hand on my forehead and told me if i kept hanging out with you that he would... would blow my brains out with his b-bare hands and-" 

He lets out a choked-up sob and cries harder, clinging to him. Izuku hugs him back and his cries echo in the dark sidewalk. 

The sky is clear and the moon shines down at them. Izuku, out on the sidewalk, in his pajamas, is hugging his friend. 

The friend that Katsuki Bakugou hurt. 

The friend that Katsuki Bakugou burned just like he burned him. 

The difference is that this mark will heal and be gone after a couple of weeks, and it will look like it was never there. 

Izuku's marks will never disappear, covering every piece of his body and skin, forever. 

"Don't worry Ishida, I'll take care of it ok?" 

Ishida looks at him again, his one red eye irritated and puffy from the tears. 

"You- You can't Izuku, he'll hurt you even more. Please don't do anything about it. I promise that I'm okay." 

Ishida's grip tightens. 


Izuku stares at him, confused. 

"Ishida, i can't do that. He hurt you, he burned you. I'm going to-" 

"You can't do anything about it Izuku! Me and you both know that! So just... leave it. If your here with me, then I'll be ok..." 

Izuku closes his mouth, and nods. Ishida seems satisfied because he goes back to hugging Izuku like a lifeline. 

But he's not going to listen. 

Like hell he's going to let Katsuki get away with this. 

Authors note: 

I'm currently writing this on a road trip in the car, and the police officer that pulled us over is just staring at me :)

All I Want Is You (Bkdk, Dkbk)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang