Chapter 41

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To say I was nervous about watching Reece fight was an understatement. It wasn't about him losing; Reece was an excellent fighter, and I knew he'd more than likely win. I always felt this way before and during his fights. I guess I just hated seeing him get hurt. I understand it's part of the game or profession, but still, I wanted him to come out unscathed.

I was glad we had patched things up before his fight. I had genuinely thought it was the end for us when I tried to contact him, pleading for him to talk to me. I apologized for even thinking about going on a break. I knew it would mess with his head. I felt like such an insecure idiot. I should know by now that I'll have jealous girls trying to come between us. I understand how much he loves and cares about me; I just need to trust him more.

I went to my Nana's yesterday to see how she was, as she wasn't well. Plus, I hadn't gone to school because of what happened; I couldn't face anyone and didn't want to answer anyone's questions. Visiting my Nana was a good distraction to take my mind off everything, even though it was torture not hearing from him.

I was having dinner with my Nana around 6:00 yesterday evening when my phone buzzed. Hoping it was Reece, I rushed to get it out of my bag. However, when I saw that it was from an anonymous sender and read the message they sent along with a picture, I was shaken.

The caption: "Aww, trouble in paradise, Lorna the little prick tease, with two pretty boys on the go." There was a picture of me, Reece, and Nick in the cafe, and then one of me and Reece outside the cafe, with Reece trapping me between him and the jeep, an angry scowl on his face.

Another had followed; but don't worry, my love; soon it'll be just me and you. These boys will only be memories after I have you.

I dropped my phone, and the screen had cracked. My Nana looked at me and saw my face pale, asking if I was okay. I gave her an excuse, mentioning that someone sent me one of those videos that make you jump. I wasn't going to worry her, she bought it, thank god.

Truth being told I was scared, I thought the messages had stopped, but then I received this creepy one. The fact that someone was taking pictures of us freaked me out. I tried putting it in the back of my mind, by focusing on telling my nana that her lasagne was by far the best lasagne I ever tasted, which wasn't a lie, it really was, my nana was such an excellent cook, she chuckled and said i was too kind, promising to teach me how to make it someday, when she was feeling better.

After dinner,  I told my Nana to go up and lie down as she still wasn't feeling the best, telling her I would clean up. When I was done I headed for the spare room, deciding an early night might do me good, I checked my phone before getting ready for bed, I hadn't received any more creepy messages, to my relief. Just as I was about to send Reece another text, my phone died.

I went to retrieve my charger from my overnight bag, only to realise I had left it at home.

So you could say last night had been restless; I couldn't sleep well, torn between worrying about Reece, our situation, and those creepy texts. My mind was a mess.

Upon arriving home around noon, I hastily ascended to my room and plugged in my phone to charge. Switching it on, I was relieved to find no more strange texts. However, there was a voice note from Reece. As I listened, he explained that Nick had visited him, he went on to say that Nick had explained the whole situation, he sincerely apologised, pleading for another chance.

Silently thanking Nick, a smile graced my face. I considered calling Reece but remembered his upcoming fight tonight. I didn't want to disturb him, Knowing he'd be immersed in intense training, I decided to wait until I saw him later.

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