Chapter Three

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I am curious. 

If he rented a car, then why was he seeking refuge in the garage yesterday from the rain..? 

We got to the car and he actually got around to open the passenger door for me. I thanked him, feeling embarrassed. He is really a gentleman. 

"Is the aircon okay?" he asked after we got in and belted up. 

"Yes," I nodded.

"This weather today is good. Good for hiking and sight-seeing. Yesterday was horrible."

"Ya - I got drenched through. Then the sun came out and I was dry again. I'm surprised I didn't get sick!" I chuckled. 

He chuckled too. "That's why I decided to rent a car today."

Oh! So he didn't had a car yesterday..

"Haha - I was wondering why you had to hide from the rain if you had a car - haha." 

"Haha - ya. I didn't want to get caught in the rain again." We drove for a while and he took the route through the center of the island up the mountain pass. I haven't pass here before because all the bus routes go via the coast. It was a different sight. 

"When are you leaving?" I asked casually. 

"Same as you. Friday." 

"Ah - I see. I'm flying back via Shanghai." I don't know why I added that. 

"Oh? I'm flying to Shanghai too. What time is your flight?" 

"I think it's... around noon time. Yours?" I hope we'll be on the same flight. I held my breath waiting for his reply. 

"Mine's at eight in the morning."

"Wow, that's early," I gasped. That means he has to be at the airport by six at least. Damn. Not good. 

He lets out a soft chuckle.

There's a lot of questions I'd like to ask him but I didn't dare to ask. It will be very improper of me. I would like to know how old he is, what he works as, why he is here alone, and many many more. I am so curious about him.

We came to the mountain road shortly. There were no other cars, it is a quiet road, lined with trees both side. Then I saw the flowers on the trees. Big white flowers just as Lee had described.

"Are these cherry blossoms?" I asked.

He looked out as well. "Oh, yes they are. You are lucky," he grinned.

"I am." I looked out with excitement. I wanted to take pictures but the window glass was fogging up. It must be cold outside.

"I'm not sure if I can stop here," he said, apparently guessing my intention. "But if I don't recall wrongly, there's a temple in front with a garden, that's where I saw the flowers yesterday."


Indeed there was a temple in front. It was a small quiet place and nobody. He parked the car and we walked in. I was half wondering if we can just walk in so randomly. But there was nobody to care, not even a caretaker.

It was a small garden maybe just the size of half a basketball court but it was very well maintained with so many different types of flowers and plants.

Ken called me over to the cherry blossom tree and I admired it with happiness. I finally saw a cherry blossom tree. Unlike the Japanese sakura which I always remember it as pink, these flowers were white and bigger. I took some pictures. He offered to help me take pictures of me too but I turned down his offer. I don't really like to take pictures of myself to be honest.

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