Chapter Thirty-four

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He turned up at my door at ten pm sharp. 

When the door bell rang, I jumped, though I was expecting him. 

He came in a hoodie and without a mask. I was surprised he didn't wear a mask. 

"Hey -" he grinned at me when I opened the door. I quickly let him in before anyone else sees him. 

"You didn't wear a mask," I pointed out. 

"I was taking a gamble," he chuckled. "I was thinking nobody will see me." My apartment didn't have a security post so he could get up easily, which he commented that it was not safe. That was the first thing he said. 

"It's pretty safe," I insisted. Nevertheless, he was not convinced. And I ignored him. "How did you get out from your hotel?" 

"A decoy," he chuckled.

"A decoy?" 

"Maxim - one of the guys - pretended to be me and went out, and everybody thought it was me and started chasing after him, while I quickly took the chance to sneak out," he chuckled.

"Zhu-jie drove you here?" 

He nodded. 

We really owe so much to Zhu-jie..

He looked around the apartment. There's nothing much to look anyway. You can easily see it in one glance. 

"Decent right?" I asked.

"Not bad," he admitted. 

I rolled my eyes at him. 

"Have you taken your dinner?" I asked. Even though it's ten, sometimes he hasn't eaten yet.

He nodded. "Had an early dinner." He pulled me into a hug. "I didn't see you at iapm."

"Haha - well, there were so many people and you didn't know I would be there." 

"You can see me clearly now - touch me even, you don't have to squeeze such events.."

I laughed. "That's because Eva - my colleague, who is a big fan of yours, wanted to see you. She's asking me to go Madame Tussauds with her."

"Haha - that? Isn't this one in front of you better?"

"Yes of course," And I leaned up to kiss him. "Will even kiss me back." 

He smiled. "I wonder how your friend will react when she knows that I'm your boyfriend in real life."

"I think she will beg me to let her meet you!" I chuckled. 

"I don't mind meeting your friends.." he said. "Like you met mine, co-workers." 

"Still got to be cautious, unless you want the whole world to know that you have a girlfriend.." I said.

"If it happens..." he shrugged.

"Zhu-jie will kill you," I said.

"Haha - maybe. So - I'm so excited for our trip!"

"Me too," I chuckled. 

We sat down on the sofa.

"No TV?" he asked as he looked at the blank wall.

"I don't exactly need one.." I said. 

"I can gift a housewarming gift," he offered as he pulled me into a cuddle.

"Are you offering to buy me a TV?"

"I could.."

"Why would you want to buy me a TV?"

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