Chapter Nine

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Tuesday gone by without his message. Wednesday was quiet as well. I was tempted to message him and ask him how he was but I guess he must be really busy, or else the crave is over and he's no longer interested to chat with me. Assuming the latter, I felt sad. It had been, only less than a week? And I'm totally taken by him. I long for his texts, even to hearing his voice once again. The torture of missing someone is horrible. It almost felt like dying, like I'm sinking into the waters struggling to reach to the surface for air. I cannot concentrate on anything else. I totally have no mood for anything. Even my mom's tantrum couldn't affect me, if only to make me feel more irritated.

My colleagues saw it too.

"Are you okay?" Shirley asked me when she came to return my stamp.

"Huh? Ya," I answered her distractedly.

"You are not falling sick are you?"

"Huh, oh, no," I assured her. "Probably just not enough sleep."

"Are you chasing some drama again?" she chuckled. I get lack of sleep whenever I binge watch dramas especially on weekdays.


"Which drama are you chasing now?"

"Eh, Captivating the King," I lied with the first title that came to my head. It kept popping up on my Netflix to-watch list. I was putting it aside until later. It has Shin Sekyung and Jo Jungsuk, two of my favourites I don't mind watching, but recently I just got no mood.

"Korean again?" She piped. She doesn't follow Korean dramas, thank goodness, otherwise I'll be busted. She watches chinese those period dramas which are trending now. I tried one, but never got beyond the first episode, and it's too cheesy for me. Talk about the Korean stars being skinny, I think tge Chinese are ridiculously unhealthy, even more skinny.


She laughed with a shake of head and walked off back to her desk. Thank goodness she didn't probe further. It will be ridiculous and embarrassing to say I'm actually feeling this way because I'm lovesick.

Lovesick.. Yes, I think I really like him. And for my sake, I hope he is not a scam. It will kill me. I think I will hate all the men in the world if he is. I will probably never trust any guy again to even try going into a relationship. And that will be a pity because I do hope to get married one day.. and move out. That's more my want.

Thursday, still no text from him. I couldn't take it anymore. Why does this week go pass so extremely slow?? I gave in and text him first.

Me : Hey - how's work - hope everything is okay 😊

Then I held my breath.

I didn't get any reply on Thursday either.

Finally it was weekend, not that I have anything to look forward to.

On my way home on the train, I was listening to my favourite FT Island, but even hearing Hongki's voice did not cheer me up.

A message came in. I thought it might be work so I deliberately took my time to check it. Then another notification.

I nearly dropped my phone when I saw who it was from..

Ken : Hey

Ken : Sorry for not replying, it has been crazy busy 😵‍💫

My heart skipped a beat. He replied! Suddenly my dark and heavy clouds all disappeared. It was as if the hurricane had cleared up, gone..

Me : It's okay ! 🤗

Ken : I just wrapped up the event for the day, having a short break now

How many events does he have? It makes me curious. If it is entertainment industry, does it mean he works with celebrities and their events or something? That's why he is secretive about it..?

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