Chapter Twenty-nine

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It was almost an hour before he came to the car. And when he came, he brought the big crowd of fans.

At first I was seated in the middle row inner seat but I moved to the third row and by the door side so that when he opens the door to come in, I won't be spotted by everybody.

He opened the door. He was probably expecting to see me and when he didn't see me because I was hidden quietly in the back corner, he seemed disappointed then he gave a wave with a smile as the door close before he lets out a big sigh.

I gently tapped on his shoulder in order not to give him a fright.

He still jumped. His eyes widened when he saw me and with a big grin on his face he moved also to the third row.

"Why are you here?" he exclaimed as he took my hands. It's nice to see my boyfriend again.

Just then, the front door opened and Zhu-jie got in. "Where's JC?" she didn't see JC, only me. "I thought he got on."

"I'm here," he replied with a grin as he stuck his head out in view.

"Oh.." she said. "Okay, let's go."

"How come you are here?" he continued to ask me.

"It's your birthday," I grinned.

"You didn't say anything."

"Are you surprised?"


I chuckled.

"Did you buddy up with Zhu-jie?"

"She called me actually. I was anyway thinking to fly over, then she told me that your fanclub is throwing you a surprise party."

"I'm really surprised. I thought it's just going to be a dinner."

"So -" Zhu-jie said from the front. "Are we still up for dinner?"

"It's just a dinner right? Not another surprise or sort right?" he asked.

"Yes, just a normal dinner," she answered.

I panicked. Should I be joining them for dinner?

"Eh.. where should I..."

"Who's coming?" he asked.

"Bro Guo, Luo Shan, Jin Yuan, maybe Xiao Ding as well. They just want to treat you to dinner."

"Hmm.." he's thinking too. "Have you taken your dinner?"

I shook my head slowly.

"Come with us? Those are just my namagers and close staff, no outsiders."

"But.." That will mean introducing me as his girlfriend. Will that harm him?

"They are okay," he assured me.

I frowned nevertheless.

Then he asked Zhu-jie, if it's okay I come along.

"Oh shit.. I forgot..." she exclaimed. "I guess it's up to you."

"I think it's fine."

"Then it's fine."

"Are you sure?" I asked her.

"They are all close managers. There's nothing they don't know about JC. So if JC wants to let them know, it's fine too. Anyway you don't have much time to hesitate, we are here."

We have arrived at the restaurant and we alighted at the back alley where we followed Zhu-jie into the restaurant and to a private room. Already, there were three guys in there chatting and laughing.

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