Chapter Forty-six

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He brought a whole chunk of people to the hospital. Within an hour, it went viral in the tabloids. Tan Jianci rushed to the hospital from Suzhou to Shanghai in the middle of his filming to see his dying girlfriend. Jeez... seriously... since when was I dying? 

When Eva and Sammi came after work, he was sitting beside me. Sammi nearly fainted. 

"You are really here!" Eva exclaimed. "The tabloids are going wild!" 

He didn't say anything. 

I introduced him and Sammi. Sammi was acting like when Eva met him for the first time - tongue tied. 

"Luckily your neighbour found you," Eva said. "The doctor said you were in a critical condition, any later..."

"Jeez... I think doctors do like to exaggerate," I said. 

"I think you are taking it too lightly..." Sammi finally managed to mutter out. 

"Yes - please help me to discipline her," JC told them. "She wouldn't listen."

"And that's because she was so depressed!" Eva blurted. I glared at her. "She was so upset -"


JC bit his lip. "I know.." he said guiltily. 

"Eva -" I stopped her. "He rushed here nevertheless."

"Who called him?" she asked.

"My neighbour.." I chuckled. 

"You should thank him," she chuckled back. "He's a good neighbour."

"That doctor guy?" Sammi piped. "The one who also does voice recording?"



"Anyway -" Eva interrupted. "Now - there's a huge crowd of people downstairs... I'm not sure how you are going to get out of this one.."

"There will be a way," JC said. 

Knowing Zhu-jie, she's probably fighting fire now. And I feel bad again. We are really always giving her trouble. 

"I feel bad for making trouble for Zhu-jie..." I said. 

"Then treat her a proper meal once it's all over," he chuckled. "She loves to drink." That I do know. 

"When can you be discharged anyway?" Sammi asked. 

"I need to run some more tests first, and continue under observation for another day... so maybe another two days?" I shrugged. That was what Jia Zheng told me anyway. "You are not going to stay here until then right?" I asked JC.

Just then Jia Zheng came into the room. 

"Waw - it's a mad house out there!" he chuckled. 

I introduced him to the girls and vice versa. Sammi seems to be keen on him. Well - he's a handsome guy after all. 

"How are you going to leave..." he asked to JC. "Or are you planning to stay longer?" 

"Unfortunately, I have to return tonight. I've already messed up the filming schedule. I can't destroy it again for another day... there will be much losses..."

Jia Zheng nodded. 

"I'll leave Casey in your care then."

"For sure. Don't worry. I'll take good care of her - if not, my colleagues will," he grinned. "They will make sure she only leaves when she's perfectly recovered."

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