Chapter Forty

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JC finally visited my place after so long I've been in Shanghai. I've been here for almost six months. He was going to Suzhou to start shooting for his new drama and took a day in advance to come to Shanghai first. As much as he tried to keep it as low profile as possible, the fans still found out that he came to Shanghai. But thanks to Zhu-jie, she managed to 'smuggle' him to my place quietly by using a decoy to lead the fans away from the real JCT. Poor guy - I think his name is Xiao Fan - he's always acting as the decoy because he has the same build as JCT. 

And when he's here, I made sure I introduced Jia Zheng to him. 

It was also fortunate that Jia Zheng was at home. He happened to be on morning shift and was back early. When I heard him back, I quickly ran to my door opened it to catch him. He was surprised to see me. 

"Hello!" he grinned at me. 

"Hey-hey!" I said. "You are back early today."

"Ya - I was working morning shift today. I'm going to cook Korean today," he said as he held up a bag of groceries. "Are you interested to join me?" 

"I - er - my boyfriend is visiting today," I told him. 

"Oh," he said (he sounded a little disappointed) as he lowered his bag. "Okay." 

Before he stepped into his house, I said, "By the way, let me introduce you guys." JC had went to the bathroom and finally came out. So I beckoned to him. 

I was half expecting that maybe Jia Zheng won't know who JC is, but when his eyes widened and I could tell he recognized JC, I was surprised. 

"He's your boyfriend?" he blurted out. 

"Hello," JC smiled as he shook his hand. But I get the feeling that the smile was forced. 

"You know him?" I asked instead.

"Of course! He's such a famous celebrity!" 

Maybe in a way I was proud that my boyfriend is indeed a famous celebrity.. 

"Oh well... no wonder he's always not around," Jia Zheng chuckled. 

"Thanks for taking good care of my girlfriend," JC told him. I hear another forced appreciation again.

Jia Zheng simply smiled. "No worries. That's what neighbours do. I was just about to ask her to join me for dinner again. But since you are here, then I guess I'll just have dinner by myself."

"JC is a good cook too," I added. I don't know why I did that though. 

"Or, both of you want to join me? That is if you don't have any other plans...?" 

I looked to JC. He gave me a shrug. Then I turned to smile at Jia Zheng. "We would love to join you. Do you need help?" 

He grinned. "You know I don't. You want to come in now or later?"

"I'll just grab my phone..." I said. And so did JC. Then we went over to Jia Zheng's apartment. 

As usual, when I go over to Jia Zheng's place, I am very at home because I've came over so many times. JC was the awkward one and I failed to notice it. I just walked into the house, into the kitchen like it was my own house and went to see what I can help. Even though he always says that he doesn't need help, and which he really doesn't, I always feel bad to let him do everything, so I went to wash the vegetables.

"Should I chop these up?" I asked.

"Just tear it will do."

"Okay." Of course, helping him I've also learnt his figure of speech.

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