Chapter Thirty-seven

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"You have the best boyfriend ever!" Sammi gushed, when I told them that my boyfriend had bought the FTisland concert tickets. And of course Eva knows who my boyfriend was.

"She definitely has the best boyfriend in the world," she chuckled. Of course we never mentioned to Sammi that Eva has met my boyfriend and she's sure to have a heart attack if she hears that the famous JCT cooked lunch too.

"So what? You'll be going on another trip with your boyfriend?" Sammi asked.

"Well, in a way. But it's just the weekend. I won't be taking any more leave," I told them.

"Won't it be very rushed?"

I shrugged. "We'll just have to manage."

"Who cares, as long as you get to see your idol," Eva chuckled.

"Which cat did he buy?" Sammi asked.

"Cat one. Seated. So we'll still be a distance away from the stage. But, oh well.. better than nothing. I don't know how he got the tickets. It was sold out within three hours!"

"Did he bought resale?"

I shook my head. "He said he queued for it, via the proper channel."

"Anyway, just enjoy it," they both said, still agreed that he's the best. Of course he's the best..

* * *

I finally got to watch his last movie. It aired back in March and it's now almost June. I have been procrastinating it. Though he doesn't force it on me, I know he really hopes that I watch it, and maybe like it and praise him or something. My opinion is very important to him. It's like your work - a project, or maybe something you've made, you wish your boyfriend, best friend, mother, all say that you've done a good job and praise you.

To be honest, I was procrastinating because I saw the trailer and saw it was a romance movie and that there's kissing scenes, I want to avoid that. It is, very awkward to see your boyfriend behaving intimate, kissing another girl, cuddling her to sleep. Jealous even, especially if he's not around with me. I get irritated and upset even. Of course I know it's just his job and after that I'll be fine, but still..

And the bts I saw, also happened to be the kiss scene take where she kissed him and he kissed her back and she was so shocked because apparently the part where he kissed her back was supposingly added on by the director and she wasn't aware of it so she was totally taken by surprise.

He once told me before every kiss scene he had to make sure he brushed his teeth and didn't eat any strong smelling food or coffee beforehand especially his favourite luosifen. So usually he'll fast the meal before they shoot. Because this is a respect to the actress, it would not be nice to be foul smelling when you kiss.

Anyway, ya, so I managed to finish the movie. It was a little slow in the middle and I nearly fell asleep. I can't say I'm impressed with it. Nothing to do with him of course. His acting is superb. Blame it on the writer, the director, the producer, everybody else haha.

After watching the movie, it linked me to all the interviews somehow, by the algorithm, so I watched as well. I can tell they are not very much close with each other, somehow awkward as compared to all his other co-stars. In a way, I'm glad. I get jealous too when I see him so close with other actresses, though I try hard not to be affected.

* * *

On Friday night I was out at the mart on the way home from work to buy laundry detergent when I ran into Jia Zheng. I don't know is it me or that since I told him I got a boyfriend, he seems to be keeping his distance. 

If only I knewKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat