Chapter Fifteen

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His place? 

I actually don't mind to be honest. But it's so late now.. what will his parents think? Traditional Chinese parents will think not very highly of me this girl, who goes to a guy's place so late at night, it's not proper. 

"Your place?" I frowned. "It's so late now.. what will your parents think..?" I told him.

He chuckled. "They won't say anything. They will likely to welcome you with open arms!"

"Huh?" I was shocked. 

He was still chuckling. 

"What...?" I looked at him. "Anyway... what did your parents think of me yesterday? Does your family seriously have dinners so late?"

He grinned. "No. We don't. My parents actually takes their dinners pretty early."

"Then...?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Because they wanted to meet you."


"When I told them you were coming to Beihai to visit, they say I must bring you home for dinner. But I told them you will arrive late. My mom changed dinner time to fit your arrival time. My dad had to eat some snacks at five plus to hold his hunger!"

"Eh?? But - why? I mean, did she suspect - I mean..." Did she suspect this could be her son's girlfriend? 

He smiled as he squeezed my hand. "I told her this is a girl I'm interested in." I blushed. "After you left, you should see both of them, especially my mom, grilling me for an hour at least, asking me to buck up and ask the question before you get taken away. She likes you obviously."

"She does...? She's not bothered that I'm not native Chinese?" 

"She's more bothered if I cannot find a girl."

I chuckled. "Well, like you said, in your industry, and you are still young to be honest... she shouldn't be so worried.."

"All my peers, relatives kids, neighbours all have their kids my age married and already with kids or soon-to-be, of course she's anxious."


"Anyway, I'm asking you to come over because I just want to spend more time with you, that's all.. and unfortunately there isn't much places I can really go.." he said apologetically.

"I know," I said. But I still think it's inappropriate to be going to his place at this time. 

"Or - I know where we can go," he said suddenly.

"Where?" I asked curiously. 

He grinned. "Karaoke." 

He really drove us to a karaoke place. Karaoke places tend to open till late, especially on weekends, and usually fully booked. We were lucky to be able to get the last available room. 

"How long?" the guy at the counter asked. He looked bored. 

"How long do you want?" Ken asked me. He had put back on his mask again. 

I looked at my watch. It was almost eleven now. "Erm, what time do you close?"


I don't think we can sing for four hours.. but normally me and my friends we sing for three hours, two is too short.

"Two?" I looked to Ken.

He nodded. "Two," he told the guy. 

"Actually, since you'll probably be the last one, why not take all the way to three? I'll give you an hour free for the price of three hours."

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