Chapter Five

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By the time I woke up, he was already gone. I woke up at almost nine, nearly late for my own flight! Luckily I have packed my bags yesterday so I quickly washed up, went down to check out, and managed to catch the nine-thirty bus to the airport and reached the airport just five minutes short of ten-thirty. And luckily I came a little earlier. There was just one line to check in and there were so many Chinese nationals on my flight. It took me over an hour to check in and then I had literally run in to my gate because the gate was already opened. Darn. What bad logistics..

I wore the cap I bought with him yesterday, holding on to it as I ran. Somehow it just gave me a 'feeling' of him, like we are inter-connected or something, crazy I know. I can almost imagine Esme and Jasmine's faces when I tell them that, jeez. 

It was a short flight to Shanghai. When I touched down in Shanghai, I was all feeling that, wow, now I'm in the same country as him - though many many miles away still. But the feeling that I'm on Chinese grounds, in his country, warms my heart. I think I'm really going crazy, obsessed with every thing that is related to him, really like those crazy love crushes back in our teenage days. I never thought I'd have another day like that again, those crazy days. Back in junior college, I had a crush on this guy and was constantly thinking and dreaming and talking about him until my friends got so irritated and kept urging me to just confess to him. I did in the end, but it took us a year to finally get together then we broke up six months later. I was sure devastated, took me a month to get over it. 

I am tempted to text him but.. I think that will make me look like a stalker or very desperate, will it..? 

I got two hours of transit time in Shanghai airport. It was lunch time but I did not feel hungry. I think because I'm more tired, and, lovesick (?), and I was thinking that I'll get food later on the plane so I didn't want to spend any money here now. I found an empty row of seats near a charging station, so I plugged in my charging cable, plugged in my ear buds and searched for a show to watch. I have enough time for one episode of drama or variety show.

I was just about to click the play button when a message came in. 

Ken : Have you reached Shanghai?

I nearly dropped my phone. He messaged me! Not me - he messaged me first! Woohoo! 

Me : Yes, I am in Shanghai airport, waiting for my next flight. Have you got - 

I was going to ask him if he got home, then I remember he said he was going to Beijing for work, I think? 

Me : Yes, I am in Shanghai airport, waiting for my next flight. You are in Beijing? 

Ken : Yes, I arrived at nine-ish this morning. 

Me : And you have to go straight to work? 

Ken : Not immediately, but later in the evening. 

Me : Oh, good, at least you can get some rest.. 

Ken : I hope so.. What time is your next flight? 

Me : Three-thirty thereabout. 

Ken : And how long? 

Me : About five hours. So I will touch down around nine pm I think. 

Ken : This is not too bad. 

Me : Ya, I think so too. 

Ken : Am I disturbing you?

Not at all! I wanted to scream out loud - please continue to text me!

Me : No - not at all. I have nothing to do anyway, just waiting for my flight, so I'm actually glad that you text me haha

If only I knewNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ