Chapter Thirty-eight

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By the time I woke up, it was past noon.

Oh gosh, what will Jia Zheng think of me!

I quickly text him and told him I'm up.

"Want lunch? I've got some noodles."

"Sounds good. I'll take a shower first." 

I went over his place after I was ready, then he started cooking the noodles because he said he was afraid it will get soggy if he cooked it first before I came over. 

"Do you like luosifen?" I asked him. 

"You like it?" 

"Eww!" I turned up my nose. 

He chuckled. "I don't like it either." 

"Phew... I was afraid I'm the only one who can't appreciate it."

"Who else likes it?"

"My boyfriend. He loves it."

"Is he from Guangxi region?"

"Oh - how did you know?"

"That's a specialty of the Guangxi region."

"Ya.. he's from Beihai."

"I see..." Then he placed the nice smelling bowl of noodles before me. "Here you go."

"Thanks! What about you?"

"I ate already."

It was certainly very delicious though it was just a simple dish. Perhaps because I was just too hungry.

He went to get ready when I was eating. So I washed up as well while waiting for him. I'm no longer a guest here. I'm quite familiar with his place. 

When we finally left, it was almost three. 

"Is it too late to go down now?" I asked him. 

"It's never late at the studio," he chuckled. "It's open twenty four - seven, except maybe for new year." 

"Do you often record until past midnight?"

"I do, but don't worry, it's just me, because I work late shifts sometimes. I go down after work ends."

"And there's a sound engineer there for you?"

"Ya - James, he basically lives there," he chuckled. "I feel guilty sometimes for dragging him out late but he's perfectly fine with it."

It took us twenty minutes by bus to the studio. It was not that far away, to my surprise. The studio was in the sub-urban area, on the third level of a short three level building. The moment I stepped in, I felt very cozy. It gave off a very warm vibe. 

A girl greeted us, and Jia Zheng introduced her as Momo, one of the main in-charge. He told me that this studio was founded by three good friends - Momo, James and Boheng, in their college days from a small project. Today, after six years, the studio has grown so much with over twenty free-lancing artistes and established themselves well in the animation market. 

"Welcome welcome! Jia Zheng told us about you - we are so excited to have a girl finally!" 

I like her immediately. She was warm and friendly. 

"Sorry - I came so late for the audition -" I apologized. 

"Oh - not at all! It's never late here. If Jia Zheng recommends you - well, I trust his opinion, I don't think you'll need to audition at all!"


"Why don't you do a short recording with Jia Zheng?" She looked at him. "You have that new script right?" 

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