Episode 1.5

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(Previously: Vecto chases after a theif but someone else stops him first. The stranger reaches over to remove the theif's mask.)

Vecto immediately knew who it was. "Not you again!" he blurted, realizing it was Chais, the thief he had ran into several days earlier. Some things never change, Vecto thought.

"Do I know you?" Chais asked, unaware it was Vecto.

Vecto retracted his fake helmet to show the identity of Robert Newman so as to assure Chais he didn't.

The other guy butted in. "Why'd you steal it?" he asked. "Don't you know that stealing someone's identity is wrong?"

Vecto kept quiet from that comment though it wasn't directed toward him.

"What? I needed I.D. is all," Chais said as he stood up and wiped blood from his nose on his sleeve.

The guy offered him a cleansing wipe with a disgusted twitch to his lips.

Chais looked at it, thinking how strange it was for him to offer assistance after busting his nose but took it anyway.

"So how'd you get on this ship if you didn't have one?" the guy pressed on.

"What? Some idiot robot gave me a pile of weapons. Fetched quite a bit of credits, I might add. So I decided to go on an adventure--explore the universe, you know?" Chais used the wipe and winced when he touched his nose.

Vecto remained silent.

"And you couldn't afford a ticket?" the stranger asked.

"Wouldn't matter," Chais shrugged. "I'm not I.D.'d in the database. So I make a living on the streets."

The questioner shook his head and crossed his arms. "And what robot could have been ordered to sell you weapons?" he asked.

"I dunno. Some robo named Vecto," Chais muttered.

"Vecto?!" the guy blurted in shock as Vecto looked away, preparing for the worst.

"Yeah, he was cool and all until I found out he killed the SS6."

"He did what? No, he wouldn't do that. He's a member of the Alpha Squad."

"Well, sorry, pal," Chais said, dusting himself off. "Hate to bombard your dreams." He casually began walking off, tucking the bloody wipe in his pocket.

"Whoa! Not so fast!" the guy demanded and yanked him back. "You still need to return that TAC."

Vecto spoke up. "How do you know about Vecto?" he asked the stranger in the red and white powersuit, curious about his response.

"Don't you?" The guy shook his head. "Well, you know, the A.S. were the saviors of the omniverse at one time. I used to collect robotic figurines of Vecto when I was a kid. But that was over ten years ago, you know?"

"Wow!" Chaise said with a hint of sarcasm. "He was that big, huh? Too bad for him."

Vecto pressed on. "What else do you know about him?" It wasn't too often that he could get an outside opinion.

"Well, um, he wasn't like other robots," the man explained, scratching the back of his head. "He knew right from wrong, had emotions, and was kind of a hero to me." He lowered his head, wondering why he was having this unimportant conversation, but he at least wanted to share his little know connection. "But you know what? My dad used to know Vic--his creator, that is. And we even share the same last name--Vecto and I."

Vecto was in shock, if that was even possible. "So what's your name?" he asked, anticipating his response.

(Who is this stranger, and why does he share the last name as Vecto? Find out more in the next installment of Vecto: Voyage!)

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