Part 6.1

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(Previously: Vecto visits Gyro's widow, Charisma, and finds out that she is pregnant. He then leaves to visit Gyro's grave site.)

Gyro's gravesite was halfway shadowed by an awning tree indigenous to planet Hodos. Its massive intertwining branches and five-foot-long leaves darkened half of Vecto's image as he knelt at Gyro's newly installed headstone. Images of Gyro and his friends scrolled across the tombstone as Vecto watched. He slid a hologram over to play the video he made. They were Vecto's memory logs.

"Come on, Vecto," Gyro said, looking at the screen. "Have some fun for a change, will ya?"

"I have no need for such pleasantries," Vecto's recorded voice responded.

"You take your bubble car, and I'll drive the bike," Gyro said as he jumped on his liftcycle.

"A chase is not necessary," Vecto replied. "The chances you will win are slim at best."

"Never know till you try." Gyro laughed. "Guess I get the head start!" he yelled as he revved the cycle and catapulted off.

The screen shook as Vecto turned to look at his V-Extreme. It jumbled as Vecto jumped in his vehicle and started its magnetic-powered engine. "He asked for it," the voice of Vecto said as his robotic hand reached out to close the cockpit.

The video faded but another took its place. This time Gyro stood on the roof of Vic's lab on planet Cubix, looking at the nearby glowing city at night.

"You can't find a view like this on Hodos," Gyro commented, leaning against a small transmitter tower. "Such raw emotion and beauty."

"It means nothing to me," Vecto responded. "For me, life is existence. For you, life is emotion. That bridge cannot be broken."

"Then why fight, why save people if you have no emotions?" Gyro quipped. "Battles are forged through passion."

"Mankind knows not their destruction. For that reason, I must protect them."

"And isn't that emotion? Defending the defenseless?"

"For every man Morphaal kills, that's one more who pleases him. I seek to give him ultimate displeasure."

Gyro looked at him. "You sure do have some twisted logic," he said with a laugh. "Someday, Morphaal will be dead for good, then you'll have no reason to protect people."

"I'll do it for you, then."

Yet another video clip played.

"Ah, you're awake. I see my reprogramming works," Gyro said as he fiddled with Vecto's shoulder not in view. "How's your eyesight?"

The screen moved left to right as Vecto glanced around. He could see Gyro's grayish-black skin. "With some modifications, it will do."

"You took a pretty bad beating, you know? Had to fix a lot of you—basically gave you a new body."

"I assume you defeated Morphaal."

"Yeah, he won't be coming back now," Gyro said as he worked on Vecto's arm. "I couldn't figure out how to make your pieces hover, so I made you one unit. Hope you don't mind ... and Vecto, thanks for the sacrifice."

"The physical inconveniences are no problem. I am grateful for your services. I understand what it means to be moral now, thanks to you."

"And how so?"

"For me to understand myself, I must first analyze my morality and determine the appropriate outcome of my endeavors. The outcome of you dying would be unbearable."

"So you're finally understanding emotions, huh?' Gyro said with a smirk. "Don't worry, I'm not going anywhere."

The video stopped.

(Where does Vecto go from here? Find out more in the next installment of Vecto: Voyage!)

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