Part 8.2

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(Previously: Vecto and Chais transport to Earth. After struggling to stand in the intense gravity, Chais sees a huge wall, which Vecto tells him is the moon.)

Chais arched an eyebrow. "You gotta be kiddin' me!" He looked more intently at the site. There were the craters—he could see them through the haze.

"When the Zadeross giants multiplied Earth's gravity with their gravity manipulation weapons, the moon was sucked in and crashed in the Atlantic Ocean," Vecto explained. "It left the planet blackened with dust for ages. Fortunately, Earth has planetary air generators—not enough to clear all the dust in the air, but enough to stabilize a breathing atmosphere."

"Man, I feel sorry for the humans," Chais said.

"Its impact made little difference. The surface of Earth was already destroyed due to the usage of the Omnipotous Bomb, a weapon highly combustible with oxygen. Fortunately, Acaterra was constructed by then and most people had already transferred there due to the eminent danger of the bomb."

"Then how did the Nagora clan survive?"

"With modified bodies. They essentially feed off of Zero Point Energy now because there's hardly any life left on the planet. But they're working on that. They made a forest of plants altered to live through Earth's new conditions. That's where we're headed." Vecto motioned for Chais to follow him. "An old friend of mine and former Alpha Squad member, Shadow, is now the leader of the clan. If there's anyone who knows the history of the Nagora clan and whether a clan member landed on planet Zendora, it would be him."

Vecto had to wait for Chais. The Zendorian painstakingly walked five miles or so into the city and was beginning to adapt to the gravity. Vecto noticed his adaption as well. He assumed Chais would get only weaker and more exhausted as they went on, but it was quite the opposite.

"I think I can go without support," Chais said in reference to his sword that he leaned on as a prop. "I look like some old man. Besides, how long is it going to take to get there?"

"Ten hours at current pace. The clan is located east of the city in the wooded area."

"That long?! Well at least there's some life to this planet."

"On second analysis, I can attract the Nagora clan rather than make you take the hike," Vecto suggested.

"I'm game," Chais said, resting his hands on his knees as he bent over, sweat dripping from his face. He watched the perspiration smash to the concrete below. They were walking on an old broken-up road that was fitted with now-defunct magnetic rails to support old hovering vehicles.

Chais slowly turned his head to see Vecto pointing his gun over him, charging a Zero Point Energy beam.

(Why is Vecto about to fire his weapon? Is there an enemy over there? Find out more in the next installment of Vecto: Voyage!)

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