Part 6.6

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(Previously: Vecto offers Accura, Feit, and Chais a chance to join him in fighting Morphaal, but they decline. Vecto reasons that they will follow him, regardless, and be forced to fight Morphaal together. He then leaves.)

"So how are we supposed to follow that jerk if he just flies off?" Chais asked, stepping over a ground tree.

"Azmeck will likely know his destination," Feit calmly stated, walking through the small forest with his hands cupped behind his back.

"He'll be on Cubix," Accura said, while staying her distance from Feit.

"What are you, psychic?" Chais wondered.

"You two said it yourselves-he's looking for a planet called Zendora to find Morphaal. Then he's likely to visit his homeworld to ask the Dinishmen if they know where it is, seeing they're the smartest beings in existence."

"And how's he supposed to get there without getting back on the ship?" Chais questioned. "Fly there?"

Accura shook her head and brushed her long, black hair behind her ear. "Hodos has teleportation stations."

"What's that?" Chais asked.

"You know, instant travel?" Accura answered, curious as to whether he was serious. His look suggested he was. "Oh brother," she said with a sigh. "The Dinishmen helped the Magnatronians with technical advancements during the Magus war, and they set up instant teleportation from Hodos to Cubix."

"Oh, I see," Chais said, resting his sword against his shoulder. "So we hitch a ride with the rail system like we did before but this time to this teleportation place."

"Except I'm going alone," Accura stated, brushing leaves out of the way to see the massive rail-transportation facility ahead. "And don't follow me."

"Hey, I was following this guy," Chais defended himself, pointing at Feit. "Who, uh, happened to be following you."

"My name's Feit," Feit said, tired of being called "this guy" and "that guy."

"Fate?" Chais said with a laugh. "Didn't know an ape can determine the future."

Feit stopped in his tracks and reached his hand out to stop Chais behind him. "From here on, you're going to shut your mouth. We're in Magnatronian territory, and if they see us or hear us, they won't hesitate to throw us in jail."

"Nothing new to me," Chais said matter-of-factly. "Just came from one."

Accura leaned her foot against a ground tree truck and zoomed in on the mechanical facility with her eye. She saw bulky militia transports drive up a ramp, then attach to the magnetic rail above and hook in place. When the transports were all interlocked together, they sped off in a group in a monorail-like train. It was designed to consume little to no energy, as the magnetic rail propelled the carriers forward. It was also the heaviest-guarded area. Plenty of soldiers roamed the grounds, safeguarding their military supplies. She would have to sneak onboard a transport before it latched to the rail.

"Not many open spots like before," Chais whispered. "Any ideas?" he asked Accura, then looked behind him.

She was missing. He glanced around and saw her heading west. They were facing northwest.

"There she goes, again," Chais mumbled to himself. "Hey Feit, we'll-"

Feit was gone also, headed straight.

"Well, jeez. Leave me behind, will ya!" Chais pointed his sword in each of their direction as if a compass. "I guess that means I go this way." He twirled the blade in his hand as he walked northbound.

It wasn't long before the Magnatronians spotted Accura. She kept her distance, but when the planetary warriors saw her and closed in, she could only surrender. Fighting these soldiers-by-birth with little weaponry was unwise. The same held true for Feit, who eliminated one Magnatronian only to be surrounded by many.

(What will happen to Accura and Feit, and what about Chais? Find out more in the next installment of Vecto: Voyage!)

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