Episode 1.7

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(Previously: Chais is taken by security, along with Gyro's cross. Meanwhile, Erich Botland invites Vecto to eat with him.)

Moments later, Vecto sat at a table on the third floor. Not only was it awkward for him to remain in disguise, it was uncomfortable. Vecto had to put the thought of Gyro's cross aside and reminded himself to retrieve it at a later date. But he couldn't help but think of his so-far adventure--bypassing guards, hearing A.I. Sarah's voice after so many years, chasing after a thief who so happened to be Chais, and most intriguingly meeting the son of the scientist he was named after. He almost felt as if he was living a new life--no one knowing who he was or what he did.

"Attention passengers," Sarah's voice said over the intercom. "This ship will soon be initiating a gravitation flux and will be traveling at velos speed. Please do not be alarmed, as there will be a slight jolt."

Vecto waited as the shift in force passed. It meant he would be stuck on this ship for a while. He looked over the table to see Erich coming back to introduce some friends of his.

"Hey, Rob!" Erich called out. "Let me introduce you to a couple friends I made on the ship."

"Ahoy, matey!" The older fellow walked over to Vecto and reached out his hand to shake. In fact, it was his only arm, Vecto noticed. The middle-aged man had an eye patch and long brown, braided hair, matching his lengthy beard. He wore old clothing with holes in them and had pierced ears--also with large holes. The only things he was missing was a hook.

"Hello," Vecto simply said and briefly shook his hand.

"Arrr! A mighty grip ye have, lad!" the man said, flinging his hand in the air. "Name's Captain Cutlass!"

Vecto didn't comment.

"And this is me hearty Trip, a true buccaneer!" the wannabe pirate said, motioning to his friend who paced their way.

Trip stared pointedly at the ground as he slowly walked, counting each of his steps. He wore neatly shined attire and had perfectly parted hair and yellow eyes. He came to the table and used a sanitary wipe chair.

"Arr, Trip! Why don't ye say 'ahoy' to the fella!" Cutlass said.

"Hel-hel-hello," Trip stuttered.

Cutlass cleared his throat and whispered to Vecto, "Don't mind he, my lad. Trip's a wee slow in the noggin."

Vecto disagreed. "He appears to have an obsessive compulsive disorder."

"Ehh? Now hold on thar."

Vecto was too monotone. What if Cutlass suspected he was a robot?

"Don't tell me yar a rich kid?" Cutlass asked. "'Cause I ain't got taste for those scallywag know-it-alls."

Vecto was safe. "Naa, naa!" he assured. "My aunt had autism and OCD like that. Just heard it from 'em." Of course, he didn't have an aunt, but Cutlass bought it.

"Arr, well tell ye aunt I said 'ahoy' when you see her, mate."

"She's dead," Vecto continued the lie.

"My! Sorry, me lad," Cutlass said, startled, sitting down.

That shut him up at least.

Erich took the last seat beside Vecto.

"So," Vecto said loud enough to gather their attention, "does anyone have any real names--besides Erich that is?" Vecto asked ironically considering his odd name.

Trip weakly rose his hand. "I-I do. Trip's my name. Trip Alloway."

"OK ..." Vecto took note and looked at Cutlass.

"Arr, well, see ... don't remember if I had one!" Cutlass said.

"You're name's Greg Jensen," Erich said it for him as he laughed and gave him a friendly slap on the back. "Remember? Look at your TAC."

"Well blow me down!" Cutlass said as he checked his I.D.

Vecto nodded. "It's nice to meet you all," he replied, amused at the unique qualities of who appeared to be his new companions. "My name is Robert Newman."

"Much obliged, now let's bring on the rum and turkey!" Cutlass bellowed. "Me belly's a starvin'!"

Both Trip and Erich shook their heads as if to say, "Not again!"

(Now that Vecto has met new people, how long can he keep his disguise as Robert Newman? Find out more in the next installment of Vecto: Voyage!)

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