Part 5.6

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(Previously: Admiral Keefe stops his soldiers from attacking Vecto and agrees to take Vecto and Dr. Azmeck to Gyro's gravesite.)

Soon, Vecto and Azmeck were riding on a Class C Magnatronian Battlecopter. It wasn't any of the latest models so it lacked the newer weapons and modifications. But what stood out the most were the torn landing gear and wide-open space.

"Don't worry, this baby can hold its own!" Admiral Keefe yelled through the wind. He came along to personally see to it that Vecto made it to Charisma's home.

The copter zoomed over black domes used during wars to protect residences. It was a battlefield site, like much of this war planet. Vecto was standing in the center of the copter, unfazed, as a couple of soldiers at the edge simply held on to a bar overhead. Azmeck, though, was strapped in a seat, gazing out the open side of the copter at the wasteland.

"Upset stomach, yet?" Keefe yelled toward Dr. Azmeck.

"It's been a smooth ride so far," Azmeck yelled back. "My nephew, Phantom, was quite the pilot, so I've had my share of fast flying."

"Good!" Keefe said and turned to the pilot. "Then let's have a little training exercise, shall we?"

"Roger that, admiral!" the pilot said with a smirk, yanking at the controls to do a barrel roll.

Azmeck's eyes widened as the copter spun and did a nosedive. The soldiers laughed as the copter free fell then swooped over some trees and shot ammo at imaginary targets.

"Yehaw!" one of the soldiers blurted out as branches and leaves scraped by the ship before it soared over a cliff. "Let's make it lively, boys!" he yelled as Vecto remained calm, wondering what they had planned.

The wind shook the soldier back and forth as he put his helmet on and clicked a button. Sliding from a storage space beside Azmeck were three missiles the size of the soldiers themselves.

"Good gracious!" Azmeck was startled. "It isn't necessary to be bombing the planet!"

"Oh, we ain't gonna bomb the planet, gramps," the other soldier explained. "We're gonna launch it back at us!"

"What!?" Azmeck yelled.

"Bombs away, boys!" The soldier grabbed hold of a missile and dropped out of the ship, followed by the others.

"Are they mad!?" Azmeck yelled at Keefe.

"Ah, don't worry!" Keefe replied. "We've only been hit once!"

Azmeck leaned over to see the missiles that the soldiers rode on activate boosters. In a flash, the men were sent flying by the battlecopter.

"Open fire!" Keefe ordered.

Azmeck grabbed hold of his seat as bullets sprayed at the three soldiers. One of the missiles was snagged so the soldier bailed out, spinning himself upside down and free falling from the projectile as it exploded. The others guided the missiles in a 180-degree turn.

"Quite the risk takers, as usual," Vecto calmly said in observance as the two missiles headed straight for them.

"Activate shields!" Keefe commanded.

(Are the Magnatronians as crazy as Dr. Azmeck believes? Find out more in the next installment of Vecto: Voyage!)

Preorder the full book on Amazon by April 11 and get it for 99 cents, a savings of $3! The full story will be released on Amazon for $3.99 on April 12. Click the Amazon link on my profile.

Also, you can get the ebook version of the first book, Vecto: Vengeance, on Amazon for free April 9-10!

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