Chapter 42: Apologies & Our Date.

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Clove's POV


14 September 3113


Reese winces as she burns her finger off the stove. ''I told you, I'm making tea!" I laugh.

Her mouth forms an O shape. I put the pot of water on the stove and get down two cups from the cupboard. I spoon in some sugar and drop in a tea bag.

''So, how's the bipolar book coming along?" Reese asks.

''I'm finished it, I think I have it under control. But I get frustrated pretty easily." She nods, almost approvingly. I smile.

''I'm sorry to be a burden Clover." Reese mumbles.

''No you stay as long as you want, I love the company." I say honestly. I haven't seen Cato that often over the past few days. He's always trying to persuade Carlee to move to District 2. She won't.

But she's going home tomorrow, and I'm almost grateful. I miss my man. I really do.

''Are you sure? But the baby?" Reese starts.

''Is only a month old." I state simply. ''Are you scared?" I ask.

''Yeah, every little cough or sneeze I let out I'm scared that the baby is sick. I scared or when I get bigger, how I have to take tablets, and especially birth." She says wairily.

I nod and pour the boiling water into the mugs. I stir and pull out tne teabag. Reese gets the milk out of the cupboard and pours it into both of our mugs. We sit at the island.

''What will you do when I'm gone, this house is too big for one person!" She laughs, shaking her head. ''I know, poor me!" I reply.

''I think you should ask Cato to move in." She mutters while blowing her tea.

''Move in?" I ask, remembering how Annie was shocked at us not living together.

''If you love someone enough, you should."

''You think it's too early to be thinking about living together?"

''No, ye've been through more then any couple anyone has ever known of. Ye deserve a happy ending." Reese tells me.

''I know." I state almost sadly.


At half twelve, there is a knock at the door. I open it to see Eno and Corden.

''Hey, come in!" I smile. They both step in and I shut the door before I lead them to the sitting room.

''What's up?" I smile. Reese walks in and her eyes go wide.

''Oh My..GOD. Clover it's Enobaria and Corden? Wow, I'm going for a shower." She mumbles, walking out rubbing her temples, almost as if she's seeing things.

''Why's she taking a shower at your place?" Corden asks.

''She's my best friend and her parents kicked her out. She's pregnant and the dad denies it's his." I tell them.

''Lousy!" Eno exclaims. ''Sorry, we called to see how you got on in District 4. We thought Cato would be here, you see Callie and Dalton are sick and Leven is all over the place."

''Who're they?" I ask, confused.

''Oh sorry, Leven is my older sister, Dalton is her son. He's six. And Callie is twelve, she's our cousin. Her parents are dead and her sister dissapered. You must meet them soon." Corden tells me.

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