Gwendalynn | 15

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When you had a splenectomy...

MARCH - 2011

This had been one of the many many check-ups to the hospital since Gwen went home. It's been a month and things weren't looking good. Of course, school has been practically kicking my ass so I haven't been able to meet Gwen for a while. I mean, sometimes it's not even once during the school week, that's how bad it is, and all of sudden I get a phone call saying she needs me at the hospital now?

It scared me, so I had Mom drive me here as soon as possible. Gwen sounded scared and frantic, so I knew something was wrong. And here I am now, sitting next to my mom and Gwen, as she lay on the hospital cot. Denise and George were also in the room, looking pale as ghosts.

At that moment, Dr. Harris walked back in after taking several tests. He slowly took off his glasses and sighed. "Well, it doesn't look good."

My stomach literally dropped.

"Just as I guessed, it looks like she needs a splenectomy." he said.

"I'm sorry?" Denise said, sounding just as confused as I was.

"What's a splenectomy?" George questioned next.

"Mr. and Mrs. Conrad, what's happening is that Gwen's condition is causing her spleen to swell which is making the organ more fragile and easier to rupture. The spleen is an organ that's under the left rib cage near the stomach."

Denise shook her head. "What's the point of it?"

"Well, it's part of the immune system. It contains white blood cells that kill bacteria and help the body fight infections."

I see no point in it since she already has cancer.

"Nothing bad will happen if it's removed, she just won't have the organ anymore and she'll possibly be more likely to receive colds, but removing it is the better choice."

Gwen needed spleen surgery.

Denise shut her eyes, and I looked to my side to see Gwen on the verge of tears. I strained myself so that I didn't fling myself toward her, wrapping my arms around her, because as much as I wanted to, I knew that this moment would be very inappropriate considering her parents are sitting right in front of me, so I just grabbed her hand and gave it a gentle squeeze.

Dr. Harris put his glasses in his chest pocket on his scrubs. "The splenectomy is recommended, Mr. and Mrs. Conrad, but I know how tough it's been with your money issues."

"What happens if we don't remove it?"

"I highly doubt that's the smart idea, Denise. Like I said, it's possible that it can rupture due to the swelling and she'll need surgery by then anyway. It's best to remove it as soon as possible."

She sighed, causing George to rub her shoulder comfortingly.

I guess it really was bad. A surgery. I was sure Gwen had had at least a few surgeries before, but from the expression on her face, she looked more scared than I'd ever seen her.

"I'll leave so that you guys can discuss what you prefer." Dr. Harris announced, getting up to leave the hospital room.

That was when I saw Denise shed a tear.

Then my mom spoke up. "You know what, us too. I can see this is a bit... troubling..."

I agreed. The Conrads needed to think about this alone, without our presence. Or maybe I just agreed because I didn't know how I could comfort her at the moment.

Gwendalynn: The Girl With CancerWhere stories live. Discover now