Chapter 3 - Morgan's No Sportsman.

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Chapter 3 – Morgan’s No Sportswoman

"He was this close to me and then called me Morgan! I cannot believe this just happened." I leaned back against my chair sighing in disbelief over what happened this morning. 

I enthusiastically detailed my moment with Harry to a few of my closest friends Ashley, Natalie, (also known as Nat) and Niall as I elated my taste buds with the birthday cupcake they had all given me. The four of us had been best friends since the beginning of senior kindergarten and spent every lunch together discussing absolutely everything there was to discuss. 

Natalie was girly-pretty, with hazel eyes and golden, blonde hair that fell loosely on her shoulders and curled at the ends. She was quite snappy and her tongue and mind didn’t really communicate before she spewed words out from her mouth. Her witty attitude, though, induced a lot of laughter from the group. Ashley’s voice was slightly high-pitched and the sun had gifted her skin with a bronzed glow. She had shiny, brown hair reaching her waist and pupils that hid into her dark, brown eyes. She was much shorter than the rest of my friends but her heart was greater in size than, well, Nat’s. Niall, with his charming Irish accent, had tousled, blonde hair, a sharp, dimpled chin, and eyes that resembled the inside of a blue gem. His stomach was never full and somehow, even though insecurities were often swimming around in his head, he beamed of carefreeness.

"Wow, Rach, you’re sitting here talking about him as if you’ve already gone on a first date together. Meanwhile, he barely knows your first name. You've got to let go of this obsession of yours. It’s starting to get a little unhealthy… and a little creepy." Nat bit loudly onto a carrot, arching an eyebrow and widening her eyes.

"Yeah, I mean, its not like he's a celebrity or anything." Added Niall.

l gritted my teeth, “Nat, it’s not an obsession, it’s – never mind. You wouldn’t understand." I sighed and how completely insane my thoughts sounded out loud. I truely was a lunatic in love with someone I could never have. "I’ve fallen head over heels for this guy, guys.”

Literally – I pretty much fell when I first met him. 


It was year two during recess; I was playing on the primary school’s jungle gym with Nat and Ash as the teacher supervisors chatted amongst one another and used recess as a break for themselves as well.

Clocked up in conversation, the teachers hadn’t noticed five boys’ intent on transforming myself, Nat, and Ash’s game of hopscotch into a glove game. The boys stood at heights that barely reached 4 feet and used their thumping body masses to instill fear in the us girls. They wanted to claim the playground as their sole ‘domain’. Clearly, tantrums had been getting them what they wanted at home because they didn’t have the patience or courtesy to simply ask the us girls to move. Instead, they were swinging their arms around in hopes that their fists would meet flesh.

Nat, being the windbag that she is, attempted to ward off the boys by threatening to cut-up their collection of Pokémon cards.

The teachers still hadn’t clued in and Nat’s gremlin-like behaviour didn’t seem to faze the boys. Frustrated, she reached into her backpack and lifted out one of those Barbie’s that propel into the air once a string on their backside is pulled. She drew the string completely and then released it like a slingshot. The Barbie spiraled up and met head-on with the boys nose. He scrunched his nose around and pressed his mouth into a hard line as scalding blood tinted his face crimson. Nat looked up at him with deadlock eyes and stock-still legs. Right as the boy took a step towards her, she let out a shriek, mopped the metal floor with her stomach – as she used her elbows as a second pair of legs to walk under his bridged legs –, and then escaped down the slide.

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