chapter 2

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"JOCELYNN STOP STARING" I yell getting her attention, she had once again been staring at our beta we were standing  outside while she was in dream world ever since he picked her up earlier today. It was around 5:00 pm and we were still chilling at the paek

We went out and I saw Jacob there with wood, sharpened wood, "Marina behind me, Jada get next to me, Jocelynn,  Maggie get around her" I say in seriousness. "What do you want vampire hunting werewolf?" I ask "oh you know hunting Marina, I know" "argh fricking stop unless you wanna get beat up by one of the most powerful in the pack" I reply with a smirk "is that a challenge?" "I guess so".

"RORY, SAM OVER HERE" he shouts and in no time two boys were behind Jacob,I turned around and said to Jocelynn Michelle and Maggie" get her into the corner and surround her, guard her with your life" and with that they took off. I turned back to Jacob with Jada by my side and sped right next to him and took his stick "no give it back" he shouts, Jada and I run over to where Marina is and they follow.

Sam stabbed me with a stick in my side, it's started bleeding, I shook it off and in little time Jada had him up against the gate holding him by the neck while prepared to stab him,
"you've just stabbed me, I could kill you or have alpha kill you or the whole pack rip you to shreds but your under influence so one word" I got real close my wolf teeth ready to bite and kill but instead I said one word, "run."

Jada let go and he took off really fast I clutched my side and turned to Jacob my eyes now glowing yellow, my teeth bared "back off my friend" I say "no" I now had him up against the fence my hand around his throat "I should kill you" I say through gritted teeth he just smiled "I'd like to see you try" his eyes were now yellow and I felt like I'd turned any minute and kill him over and over.

I tightened my grip until he grabbed my hand and pushed me ten feet away into a tree, I groaned and saw my friends ready to attack, I put my hand up as in a 'i got it' and they backed up a bit.

I got up and spit blood "we have a fight now do we?" Then we both turned he into a light brown sleek wolf and I turned into a fluffy brownish reddish wolf.

We made contact and tackled, I yelped when he bit my arm and he grunted when I ripped fur from his arm,
Then the alpha (in human form) came over and shouted turn back now but I knew if I turned back I would be naked, clothes kinda tore when I changed. I whimpered and he knew that so he asked the girls to make a wall infront of me the handed over his shirt which would be a dress in me. Thank god I wasn't wearing my shoes.

I changed back and quickly put the shirt on that went to my knees and I slipped my shoes back on. My eyes were still yellow from anger and I glared at Jacob who was fully dressed again.

"Now what was the problem?" jace asks grumpy "he was going to kill Marina and his friend stabbed me" I whine  pointing to the red stain that was forming on the white t shirt. "And I didn't do anything wrong" Marina whispered. "Jacob what you did was foul if I catch it again your dead" he glares at Jacob then goes up to me.

"let me take you too the nurse" he whispers more softly "I'm fine I'll make it" I grunt turning my gaze away "actually the stab wound is pretty big at least let me bandage it" he whines "I said I'm f-" I never got to finish the sentence before he picked me up, set me on a stump and started to lift the t shirt "u-uh ahem kinda not dressed under this" I swat his hand away turning red, "oh right" he mumbles turning away red as well "I'll be ok" I mumble pushing him away standing up and walking with the girls listening to there thoughts...

Jocelynn's: I skinned a hot dog then ate the peel, is that wrong? It tasted good though, my pants are blue, space is deep, hmm so is little Caesars pizza deep dish, I want pizza now. Jada: I want walrus meat but like the blubber not the actual meat, polar bears blubber is black, like my shoes, I need new crocs, crocs, crocs, crocodile crocs.

Marina: *elevator music*

Yup some interesting thoughts if I do say so myself, I how ever was thinking about Jacob, I should apologize, but I was a good leader.
"You'd make a good Luna" Jada whispers to me "really?" I ask "for sure" she replies.

Well let's go home .....

Argh sorry about no romance or much humor or wearwolfing ill try harder next time I'm just tired and Konner is being a butt

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