Chapter 57🍞

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Damien grabbed his bag and left shortly after and I turned to Jace "when will we get Married?" I asked looking into his blueish greenish eyes. "In 5 months" he said cheerfully, "I can't wait that long I just wanna call you my wife" he added.

"It's fiance for now lover boy" I said jokingly. We went downstairs with Hunter so we could tell the others, "we saw Damien leave, did something happen?" Jocelynn asked concerned. I nodded my head quietly and Jace spoke up "we're getting married!"

"Your marrying the boy that left a year ago to ditch you and your baby?" Jada said angrily, Michelle was next to her quietly taking it all in.

"I know I was a major dick but I've changed, I became more responsible and I want this small family to become whole" he said, Jada sighed "alright whatever but we're planning the wedding!"

I laughed and smiled feeling Jace's arms wrap around my waist "we're gonna be a family" he said excitedly. "We should tell our parents" of said turning to face him.

"I'll invite my parents and yours to dinner" Jace said "ahem were gonna need alot more chairs, cause my parents are separate and my two step brother will probably come etc" I said.

I took out my phone inviting my mom, her husband and there two children. my dad, and his girlfriend, and my full brother. Next I handed Hunter to Jace and Took his phone inviting his parents, sister, and cousin cole.

"There everyone's invited, now time to set up the food and chairs blah blah" I said, Jace turned to the pack "everyone will need to leave sorry, we have plans for company" he said, they nodded and got up leaving.

I checked the time, 1:39, they'd be here at four. I went to the dining room after telling Jace to watch Hunter. I grabbed 14 chairs placing them around the long table, next I took some pieces of paper and labeled the seats. "Now that that's done ill have Jace make dinner" I muttered to myself.

"Jace" I said entering the living room, but Hunter and Jace were sound asleep on the floor, I chuckled lightly, 'i guess I'll be making dinner'

(Time skip since author Chan is lazy)

It was 3:30 and everything was done, except clothing. I woke up Hunter and Jace from there nap "we need to get ready for them, they'll be here in 30 minutes" I said to the groggy boys.

Jace nodded and I grabbed Hunter heading to my room, Jace headed to his.

I set Hunter in his playpen and looked in my closet, I pulled out some black skinny jeans, a black crop top and a red flannel. I quickly changed and braided my hair.

Next I picked out some joggers and a black button up t shirt for Hunter, I put the clothes on him and ruffled his curly hair "Gah my little baby" I muttered picking him up and heading out of my room.

I looked at Jace who had also come out of his room, he was wearing the same joggers as Hunter and he had on a white button up on. "My two favorite boys" I said smiling, just then I heard the doorbell ring.

I rushed down the stairs despite the baby in my arms and open the door to see My mom, Step dad and two little step brothers. The two boys smiled warmly and so did my mother, unlike my step dad who looked a little uncomfortable.

"Come on in guys" I said leading them to the living room, my two little brothers bounced around and I ruffled there hair, they were 11 and 6 now "You guys have grown so much" I said smiling.

"Yes they have" my mom mumbled, I laughed lightly as Jace stood off to the side with Hunter. "Jace say hi, let my mom see Hunter blah blah" I said dragging him over. He handed Hunter to my mom quietly and then stood behind me.

"So who else will be here?" My mom asked, just then the doorbell rang and I shot up opening the door, it was Jace's parents, sister  her Fiance Mark and Cole. "Hey Honey" Jace's mom said, I welcomed them in and they sat on the couch infront of my mom and step dad.

Well Teresa actually started playing games with my little brothers, My mom hugged Jace's mom and the guys shook hands, it's nice to meet you finally" Jace's mom said, "you to" My mom said quietly.

Cole went over to Jace and I strained to listen to their conversation, "so you got a kid now huh" Cole said "yeah, and there's another surprise after dinner" Jace replied with, I smiled to myself and looked down.

"Hun when's your father gonna get here" my on asked, ah yes the wolf side of my family, my mom's side are human so there no fun.

And for the third time the doorbell rang, I opened it to see My dad, my step mom and My brother. I invited them in excitedly "Hey sorry were late, old people were driving like 10 under the speed limit" My brother said.

I laughed "Sam it's good to see you again, how's Rachel?" I asked "Shes good, she dyed her hair red again" he said "never a dull moment" I joked, he laughed lightly then looked to the 5 month old baby on the floor.

"Is that yours Hanna?" He asked, I nodded and he hit the back of my head "I'm older, I should've had a child first" he joked, "not my fault you can't get laid" I said, I heard Jace growl at sam but I sent him a glare.

I heard Cole snicker so I sent him a glare before turning my attention to my dad, I hugged him tightly "Gah I've missed you alot, how's Florida?" I asked. He laughed "your grandpa is still alive and active as he was when you were 11" he said.

"You know grandpa, he's a lively guy" I joked, Jace came forward and introduced himself to my Dad and Brother, they're gazes turned serious and I could tell Jace was nervous, I went over and Took his hand, "guys your scaring him" I muttered.

They laughed a little "as long as you don't hurt my baby sister we're cool" Sam said, Jace nodded.

Cole whined "can we eat now?" "Yeah c'mon everyone to the kitchen" I said. Everyone made there way into the kitchen and to their assigned seats. I set Hunter into his baby seat then grabbed all the different foods setting them on the table.

I got some mashed potatoes, Peas, corn, And Mac n cheese. I realized I hadn't put anything on my mashed potatoes so I spoke up, "daddy could you pass the salt" I asked innocently. My dad, Jace, and Cole reached for the salt shaker as I blushed crimson.

(Another time skip brought to you by Konner in a dress)

Once everyone was done eating I took there plates setting them in the sink, I pulled out a chocolate cake for desert and everyone awed and ood, I got 13 mini plates giving a piece of cake to everyone (except obviously the baby)

Before anyone could start eating me and Jace stood up, "we've got an announcement to make" Jace said wrapping his arms around my waist from behind, everyone looked at us. Sam, Gabe, and Harper had already started eating there cake (gabe and Harper are the two younger boys)

"Were getting married" I said quietly, Sam chocked on his cake and Harper pounded his 6 year old tiny hand on his back.

My mom got up and hugged both of us, same with Jace's mom. "Alright just no more children until your 25" my dad said, I laughed and so did Jace.

We're gonna be a family

This chapter is long, your welcome.

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