chapter 16💋

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I sat on my bed pouting as all the boys went on patrol and the girls were out doing whatever so there i was bored out of my mind.

I've got an idea, I thought "Damon" I said in hopes he'd hear, and just like that there he was next to me, "you just can't get enough of me can you?" "No apparently not" I teased "ugh I can smell you wearwolfing blood" he moaned "when's the last time you fed?" I asked, "not since you, blood doesn't taste as good as yours" he replied.

"I suppose you want to feed on me again?" I asked, he super sped and pushed me  on my bed, him above me, his eyes glowing red as he said "you know it darling", his vampire instincts kicked in  and he ripped the bandage off where it was from before.

He licked all around the bite mark making me shudder as he grinned continuously doing it knowing he's giving me a reaction, he was pressed against me on my  bed.

Before he could bite I pulled away, "can we do this at your place, do you know how hard it is to get your scent out of my room" I said, he laughed a bit before responding "yes ma'am" and before I could say thanks he got up and super sped us to his place where he instantly pinned me on his bed pushing himself against me licking my neck again.

I moaned a little bit from the contact but I shouldn't I have an alpha, remember Hanna this man is your friend and is after some blood, his rituals not mine.
He licked my lips biting one ever so gently then harder until he made it bleed which he let get to my chin before licking it up and sucking on my lower lip.

Just as he was gonna puncture my lip again someone completely bust through the door, "Damon I smell a werewolf here" a male yelled making Damon jump a little, he turned around and I sat up looking at the boy who resembled Damon "hey Blake, kinda busy here" he said gesturing towards me and my bleeding lip.

"But I smell, were-" Damon cut him off before he could finish, "she is the werewolf" he shouted frustrated, "oh" was all Blake said before turning to me, seeing me bleed he sniffed my way and pinned me to the wall with speed.

"Mm fresh meat" he whispered licking the blood of my face, "heh I'm kinda Damon's thing so if you could back o-" I never got to finish he bit me so hard, harder then when Damon was savagely going at my neck, this hurt way worse and I cried out in pain.

Damon seemed to notice this and pulled Blake off me "sorry for my brother he hasn't eaten in months, Damon apologized, "it's ok he can have some blood from me too if he wants, I've got alot and I heal fast so why not" I replied "are you sure?" Blake asked "yeah" I nodded.

Damon now pushed me up against the wall no space between us and bit my neck lightly taking only a little bit, next it was Blake's turn  he super sped me to the bed and layed on top of me biting into my neck hard, I gasped slightly but he kept going, it was a little painful so for a grip on reality I wrapped my legs around his waist as he put his hands on my back pushing himself closer to me biting harder, my nails digging into his shoulders.

Finally he was done and I could go home, I waved goodbye heading out the door.

I had no creativity sorry  but im trying to get oh it as many chapters as I can before I go to camp

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