chapter 19🐕

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Ian came rushing out of the woods, the rest of the pack behind him, we'd gotten out of the water once Aiden's pack showed up.

The rest of our pack immediately took there positions behind me and Jace, "I smelt there pack and got the rest of us, your welcome" Ian whispered to me, "thanks Ian"
I whispered back not taking my eye off Aiden, Carrie and the rest of em.

"What do you guys want this time" jace said, his voice loud and clear, "your luna intruded on our turf wanting things from me" a pack member Jackson said lying "Jackson, don't lie to start a fight" jace replied.

"I'm not lying" he whined "um not to burst your bubble or anything but all time she was with me or someone, never leaving the house when I was gone" jace said coldly. "Ugh whatever she's still a bitch" Carrie grumbled.

"The only bitch here is you" I growled, "hey prissy princess back off my bae" Aiden said smirking "well maybe if she wasn't a spoiled bratty bitch I would have to put her In her damn place" I sassed.

"Why don't you go fu-" Carrie started "shut up, I mean geez who lit the fuse to your tampon" I joked, my pack laughed and there were some snickers from Aiden's pack too.

"Shut up all of you, you no good useless morons" Carrie said before storming off into the woods, Aiden went after her so he put Calvin and Elsa in charge, "ooh yay another princess bitch" I mumbled Elsa just rolled her eyes and picked at her nails as Calvin spoke up.

"I know our alpha and especially luna aren't the brightest people" we snickered at that and Calvin grinned a bit before Elsa spoke up "hey hanna is it?" "Yeah whadda you need?" I ask "your face looks like it got run over by ten million disabled pugs" "gee wow thanks Elsa I was trying to look like you today I guess I succeeded" I said in a sarcastic way, elsa sneered before saying  "who wouldn't wanna look like me I'm beautiful" "oh I didn't dress look like you to admire you, I did it for pity of how your face is more unfortunate then others."

My whole pack was dying of laughter while elsa sat there a mad mess, that's when I slowly realized her eyes were yellow and she started taking of her clothes, next thing I knew I had a wolf coming at me.

I easily dodged her making her run a little bit into the water, I changed to a wolf to seeing as I might not get hurt as bad and just sat there, taking her attacks, she was a hot head and didn't deserve a reaction.

Five minutes of being bitten scratched and pushed around the alpha came back and saw Elsa beating me up as Calvin was trying to get her to change back.

"Elsa change back now" Aiden screamed she did and was in a torn up t-shirt and shorts as she took her position back next to Calvin.
"Sorry about this, it was a pack vote thing" was all Aiden said before him and his pack took off.

I immediately changed back and was in my bathing suit as I lie on the sand motionless, jace ran towards me shaking me multiple times till I weakly punched him, "oh thank god your alive" he said relived "yep can't get rid of me that easily" I said chuckling but ended up spitting up blood.

"C'mon Hanna lets get you fixed up" he whispered then proceeded to pick me up bridal style. "You'll be ok" was the last thing I heard before I fell asleep.

How was it, Carrie is a bitch tho, based off someone I know, (hey that rhymed) Bai

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