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"Where did it go?" Nevada asked herself quietly, looking from side to side. She knew she saw something. Maybe it was just a shadow. She could have just seen a shadow, a shade. But who could have cast it? Her eyes scanned the dark, almost menacing, hallway in front of her, searching for any signs of movement. Maybe she was seeing things? It wouldn't be the first time, anyways.

Just when she was about to turn back, knowing she was just, probably, seeing things again, she saw movement in the corner of her eye. She really hoped she didn't look like an insane woman chasing nothing, which is what she really did look like. The dark hallway was not helping in the slightest. Though she could no longer see the shade, she had an inkling as to which direction whatever it is was going.

She just followed her gut through several twisting and turn paths, through odd doors, checking corners. She definately must look insane and suspicious. Normally, you wouldn't see a Freelancer keeping to dark hallways and checking behind their back in their own base. It just led up to that suspicion of 'Oh, she's up to something'. Nevada almost laughted at her own wandering mind, how random or strange it can get.

She finally caught up to the 'shade'. It stopped right outside of a door. She took a single step toward it's shadowy form, but it disappeared, and the sound of the door opening was all Nevada could hear. The door in front of her opened, revealing a medium sized room with only one source of light.

A tall terminal pressed agaist the center of the back wall. It was made out of a steel like metal, with an ord like thing in the center of it, with blue lights emmiting from the center of the orb, and the extensions on the top and bottom of it. Nevada had a quick flashback, remembering something distant. But she knew it wasn't her memory. She barely even saw the memory. It was just a quick glance, then it was gone.

She shoved it out of her head, and whirled around, trying to figure out what the room was, and why she was led to that location. She blinked several times as more quick flashbacks attacked. But all of them moved to quick for her to see, to decipher what they were, and what importance they were. It was all to overwhelming. She could the headache forming at the back of her mind.

Her feet walked for her, leading her to the terminal. At her approach, the ord and the extensions glowed brighter, and projected a holographic board directly in front of her. Before she could even touch it, a code was typed in by an unknown source, and she was given access... But, the problem was, she didn't know what she had been given access to.

Scrolling through the data, her only words were, "What the hell did I just find?"


"Damn! You beat me again," York exclaimed, leaning back in his chair, pressing it aginst the wall. He didn't think he'd be able to get along with the newer -older- Freelancers. But, they were surprisingly friendly and easy to talk to. At least Iowa, Alaska, Michigan, CO, and Montana were. Nevada's been... away from the Freelancers. But, if what Iowa said was correct, then she'd be mostly friendly. Just quiet.

Iowa had just beat him in yet another arm wrestling match. This would be the third time out of four. "Trust me, I have experience with this. Back in my normal time in the military, I'd get challenged every day. I have to be strong," Iowa said with a laugh, propping her feet up on the table they were sitting at. They had a single, over-head, light turned on, which just cast a low set light. Not to bright, not to dark, Just right.

The only other light was from the monitor that Michigan was working on. He chuckled at Iowa's statement, but didn't stop working on whatever it was. Neither York nor Iowa asked about it, knowing that if he wanted them to know, he'd tell them. Alaska walked in through the open door, which was in the corner of the small room He smiled as he looked around. "Our old hangout?" He asked, immediately taking a discarded chair, and pushing it up to the table. CO followed him in, searching the room for a chair.

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