Light Fare

753 15 6

Nevada rubbed the bridge of her nose, not out of anxiety, but out of boredom. She was never the type to be to nervous about missions, they were just segments of her life that she needs to fight through to carry on. She agreed to this when she joined the military fourteen years ago or so. It's something that she got used to over the years. Iowa was passes out across from her, her head resting on the small, metal, bar of the harness. Nevada smiled at her. She could't count the numerous times that she's fell asleep like that before a mission.

Nevada just wished that she had that good luck.

Everytime she sleeps before a mission, something goes wrong. Something always happens, and she's never awake to witness it, to stop it.

And it always pisses her off.

She sighed, mentally slapping herself. Focus, Nev. Focus. She chided herself, resting her head on her fist. She yawned quietly, not wanting to wake Iowa. She felt the pound of a headache in the back of her head, a sign that more was going to come. Great. Just before a mission. "This is just great..." She whispered to herself. Iowa stirred. Nevada looked at her curiously, wondering if she somehow heard her. She shook her head, dismissing the thought. She flexed her hand, hearing the satisfying crack from her stiff bones.

"Nev," Nevada jumped from the sudden sound of Iowa's voice. Her head snapped up to look at Iowa. "Yeah, Iowa?" She said, wincing at the sudden pound of the headache. "Do you have a bad feeling about the mission? I mean, it just feels.... as if something's going to go wrong," She said, laning forward in her seat. Now that she thought about it, Nevada did have that feeling of... what would the word be? Foreshadowing? No? She shook her head, not knowing what she was thinking, exactly.

"Yeah. But... but... I've felt this way since... you know when I mean. When the whole thing started," Nevada said, leaning back into her seat. Iowa studied her friend, then nodded. "I know exactly what you mean. The Project.... It doesn't feel right, does it? Like there's a secondary... reason for it. Like the Director's hiding something from us," Iowa said with a sigh.

Nevada clenched her hands together. "Yeah. I feel it. I can definately see that since we were put into cryo, something has changed. But, for the good or the bad I do not know," Iowa smiled at her statement, and amused grin present on her face. "You know, sometimes you sound more like a novel writer than a marine that's been a Headhunter," Iowa chuckled.

Nevada raised a brow at her, and replied with, "No, I don't," Iowa shook her head. "Yeah, you do, my friend," She said. It was Nevada's turn to shake her head. "No, I don't," She argued. Iowa smiled again, knowing that she was slowly getting on her friend's nerves. "Yes, you do," This time she visibly saw Nevada's brow twitch. "No, I don't," Nevada grumbled. Iowa quietly laughed.

"Yes, you do. You spout out random sentences that always have two meanings to them. Writer," Iowa continued to argue. "For the record, so do you, Iowa. So does Alaska. So does Michigan. So does... Montana. CO's a bit of an idiot. Like you. Idiot," Nevada said, an irked tone in her voice. "We don't write them down," Iowa poorly countered. "Keep talking. Someday you might say something intelligent," Nevada smiled. Iowa took the harness off, and stood straight to her feet, followed shortly by Nevada.

They met in the middle of the pelican. "You two bicker like an old married couple! Do yourselves a favor and sit your asses down! " The pilot yelled. With a grumble and a sigh, then a short burst of laughter, the two took their seats, and gave each other a playful glare. That conversation went straight to hell, didn't it?


Alaska sighed, looking out the open hatch in the pelican. He was sitting on the edge, his feet dangling over the edge as they flew over the ocean. He guessed that it was around five or six o'clock, judging from the way the sky was turning different colors of orange, red, and purple mixed in with the clouds that swirled in te sky. If it was a different day, one that he didn't have the chance of getting shot, he might have enjoyed the view a bit more. He is stuck on a frigate out in space for the most part of his career. It's rare to have occasions such as this, where he can stare off into the distance with out any hassle.

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